IOW’s he really doesn’t give a flying fuck.
Just business folks.
In other words, they have figured out an ad hoc lie that can’t be proven to be not true that sounds slightly plausible… except for the flurry of “what the fuck is he doing!!!” From everyone who you’d think would be in on this from the government and the fact that we know he spent that call talking about his businesses, not the nation’s
Read the way people who understand our economic and military relationship with China are reacting. They’re freaking out. This maniac could get us all killed. If we’re lucky we’ll have a decline in wealth and influence that could last decades.
Becoming actually dangerous.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) December 4, 2016
Chinese could write off TW call as ignoramus blunder. Now he’s digging in.
(& CN now holding curr UP, not down)
So, Trump must’ve been pretty confident on winning a “rigged” election weeks ago when he was way behind in the polls.
On the one hand, the Trump leadership corporation (TLC) takes a strong position in favor of democracy in China, while at the same time sending lots of TLC to the butcher of Amman and new Stalin in Moscow.
Look, Trump has put a lot of Onion writers out of work. Some of them are actually pretty well-informed about world events. How about hiring some of those guys, to bring some sanity?
Trump is more like Reagan than some give him credit for – he’s totally willing to secretly reach out to and work with foreign nationals, make backroom deals with non-official players, benefiting himself, usually to the detriment of the USA.
With Trump’s magnificent brain, it’ll be all the more incredulous when, at his future impeachment hearings, he claims “I don’t recall. I don’t remember.”
No doubt the sh*theads who are telling Rump what to do and pulling his strings are very happy about what they’ve done. They really think they can throw America’s weight around with no repercussions at all. We tell other nations what to do and they have to work with what we want.
Which is the exact strategy that was used in the Iraq War.
It never occurs to them that other nations can walk away from us, make other plans seeing us for the fools that we are. If anyone in this country doesn’t think we’re in for a world of economic hurt, they’re delusional.
Maybe Trump is a secret foreign policy savant. I dont think so, given his answer to the “first use” question during the campaign.
I think he has surrounded himself with extremist nutters, because 1) sane people stayed away from him 2) some of these nutters can fake sane 3) republicans didnt just start normalizing nuttiness with trump.
But i dont think trump has any comprehension of how nutty his advisers are, or of how to distinguish dangerous nuttery from just nuts nuttery.
Even if we take this bullshit line as truth… it doesn’t help the appearance that he has literally no idea what he is doing.
Seriously, planning for months to do a thing that you were told would have “blowback” ( let’s be honest, in these briefings that never happened it would have been called “the fallout of your stupid fucking plan” not “blowback”) but you did it anyway shows how much of a moron you are!
We are now in the age of twitter diplomacy.
Trump: “What good is it to have this huge U.S. baseball bat, if I don’t hit a few beehives with it?”
China is manipulating it’s currency alright…they are propping it up.
If they stop manipulating it, it will fall, making Chinese imports even cheaper.
Although the link above is from April, but the same is true today for pretty much the same reasons.
We went to war to liberate Kuwait in 1991, and one of the defining reasons was that Iraqi’s took poor little Kuwaiti babies off of incubators at Kuwait City hospital and left them to die so they could ship the incubators to Baghdad. Except it never happened, and it turned out this was an intentional lie to rile up American public opinion.
This is another major lie.
The United States is so over extended throughout the world, the Chinese do not even have to directly confront us.
They can facilitate Iran getting a nuclear weapon, they can encourage North Korea to cause as much instability on the Korean peninsula as possible.
There are 1 million Taiwanese citizens working or living in China that are investors, middle management, or just living there because it cheaper to live in China. The average middle class Taiwanese can suddenly afford servants and have a higher standard of living by moving to China.
Once you get the Chinese people riled up over this, and trust me, nothing pisses off a mainlander more than their little cousins pulling their hair, these people will be hunted down and beaten in the streets.
How will Trump protect these people, once he has put them in harms way?
Behold !!! Witness the “art of the deal”. We will soon be governed ,if you can call it that, from that Repub alternate universe they have created. Our new president is, first and formost, a businessman and reality teevee star and now he will act accordingly. The lowly working folks don’t really matter to any businessman and everybody should know that by now.
Remember that governor saying about Obama’s Senate seat … " this thing is fucking golden". Well, just look at how special Trump’s new position is and how his family business will benefit. We can see it all already and it would be funny, in a dark comedic way, except this is realty and not a reality show.
If the Trump people really orchestrated this (and then pretended not to have),
it is very troubling on multiple levels…
Wait, I thought an earlier story had Yates denying he set up the call?
So now they claim that instead of just stumbling into incredibly stupid actions, they had actually planned this stupidity for months. So comforting…
Terrifying to wonder what other great schemes could be in the works.
If you consider Steve Bannon, think Lord Bailish in Game of Thrones. Bannon thrives on Chaos and Steven Yates notwithstanding, this has Bannon written all over it. And, as I’ve said before, I think there’s an element of racism and xenophobia in their sordid attempts at creating a new Chinese bête noir in the form of “Yellow Peril” part deux.
He always plans ahead when he wants to build another luxury hotel.
Is not the bottom line question : who needs who? China can sell their goods / services around the globe, the US is not the entire market. What if China decides to take over the ownership of all the companies that were once based in the US, but moved to China. What is Donald going to do…threaten them - with what? He is a bull in a china shop, no pun intended.