One starts to wonder when someone is going to go Hinkley on his ass
*not an endorsement, more of out loud thinking, gut reaction to news
If this isn’t treason, WTF is?
edit as @ncsteve rightfully pointed out that this isn’t treason, just probably everyday good old GOP espionage. My bad…
If the President says it, it’s not treason…
Un-fucking believable…
So how does the idea that “If the president shares it, it’s no longer classified” work here?
Holy shit.
WOW! The Bozo in Chief really, REALLY wants Putin to like him.
That’s a pretty big denial there from McMaster. So do we think he’s full of it or not?
Edited to add. Our esteemed editor thinks it’s a carefully worded denial.
Yertle has had enough, and is making a slow break for it…
There are some very damning details in this story. Whatever reason Trump had for sharing this information, he gave up specific information that would compromise highly valuable intelligence assets. An ally’s assets. An ally who is now less likely to share intelligence with the US – ditto other allies.
This may be what made Clapper even more shrill after the Comey firing. When Clapper started equating the internal threat with that of our enemies, I wondered why the sudden scaling up of rhetoric.
I really cannot fathom why Republicans in the Senate have not cut and run. This gets worse literally every day, and as that happens, both conscience and expediency are starting to clearly point in the same direction.
Isn’t there anyone on the Senate Foreign Relations committee or Intelligence committee, or McMaster?, that cares enough to put a stop to this? He’s going to bring them all down if they don’t stop him.
Would live to hear what Valerie Plame thinks about this!
Ryan: I can only do what’s in my control. Oversight of a republican POTUS is not my job.
He may not have “technically” discussed “the source and method” but the Orange Fool-Aid revealed the TOWN where the intelligence gather is taking place…
Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States only learned through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence gathering method, but described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.
…and, as the WAPO explains, that’s basically telling the Russians where to look for the asset:
“Russia could identify our sources or techniques,” the senior U.S. official said. A former intelligence official who handled high-level intelligence on Russia said that given the clues Trump provided, “I don’t think that it would be that hard [for Russian spy services] to figure this out.”
Watch McConnell and Ryan coming out and NOT mentioning anything about this.
Hey, The WaPo nailed Tricky Dick. Let’s hope they nail Comrade Donnie even harder…
The longer they wait, the more heads will roll
It is LONG past time to stop giving this maniac classified briefings. I don’t care what the past “tradition” is. This is bullsht. He’s either: so far into dementia that he has no idea who he’s saying what to OR he’s just a goddmn traitor. In any case, make up things on the fly that sound reasonably important and leave it at that.
How long does this go on for? Do the Rethugs really want our allies labelling America a pariah nation?
From what I’ve read there’s a pretty grim timeline where several of our intelligence sources in Russia started going down in a row like shooting-gallery ducks once this administration got into office. If that’s true and they’re continuing to jeopardize operatives abroad with idiotic sloppiness and quite possibly worse causes, well, the intelligence community might have some thoughts on that, as well as federal prosecutors and anyone in Congress halfway serious about national security.