Discussion: WaPo: Trump Has Referred To Jeff Sessions As 'Mr. Magoo'

And the Ds know it’s a smokescreen to kneecap the investigation.

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No. Read the whole article—she’s asking journalists for help, not Fat Nixon (on whom she wants to spill the beans). She’s been thrown in a Thai prison coinciding with the head of the FSB’s visit, and fears for her life if she gets deported back to Russia.

Donald Trump is sick.

Only when he talking nicely about him.

Sessions reminds me mostly of midget Hans from the aptly named movie, “Freaks.”


And Trump? Definitely the abrasive puppet ‘Randy’ from PeeWee’s Playhouse.


But Sessions was one of the first Trump loyalists from the GOP Senate!

First he’d need a heart.


I don’t see the problem here… isn’t justice supposed to be blind?

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Pence already has a 2020 campaign PAC collecting cash. I suspect he’s not aiming for second fiddle this time.

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The only cartoon characters he knows are those on Fox & Friends.

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For Sessions’ one year anniversary of his confirmation as attorney general, his colleagues gave him a bulletproof vest.

Not good enough. It needs to be twitterproof.

Hans looks like a cross between Chiselin’ Trump and Sessions.

:musical_note: Hiiiiighway tooooo the Danish zone! :musical_note:

So much for loyalty.