Discussion: WaPo: Trump Has Referred To Jeff Sessions As 'Mr. Magoo'

Except Donald Trump is more Mr. Magoo than anyone in his Administration other than Wilbur Ross. He thought Fredrick Douglass was a black person who is still alive and becoming better known for his good work in the community. His bottom dentures almost came right out of his mouth when delivering his post-Asia trip comments at the White House. The same month that Michael Flynn resigned, after being kept on after the acting AG told the White House counsel that he probably committed crimes and was subject to blackmail, Donald Trump got up and gave a press conference where he claimed that his Administration was working like a finely tuned machine. In the same press conference, he asked a black reporter if she would help his administration achieve more diversity. In response to her question to him. In his meeting with Ambassador Kislyak and Foreign Minister Lavrov, Trump cluelessly bragged about a US intelligence coup in a way that exposed to Russia the probable country and agency responsible. “Covfefe.”

Clearly, if anyone in this Administration most resembles Mr. Magoo (a senile person who bounces cluelessly from one crisis of his own making to the next), it is Donald Trump.