Discussion: WaPo: Trump Camp Built Up Robust DC Policy Shop, Let It Die Of Neglect

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To paraphrase a Mexican rapist of some repute: “Policies? We don’t need no stinkin’ policies!”


But the exposure was good, right?

That’s what they always say to musicians who haven’t been paid.


I have this mental image, like a New Yorker cartoon–several dust-covered skeletons leaning over desks, while a guy wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap opens the door, looks around, and says “Uh oh”.



tRump not needing advisers? Shocking. Fortunately, the “establishment” conservatives in congress, etc. will be able to rein him in and control his excesses once he’s elected…


I have never seen so much lying in all my life. This is the “family values” party.


The so-called “policy shop” has merely been retooled to reflect the candidate’s priorities. It is now staffed by four golf caddies, two valets, a half-dozen embroiderers and the swing shift of a certain Manhattan KFC.

One staffer said, “There were some people who were treating it as a full-time job. I suspect those people were quite astonished when the pay didn’t come through.”

Given that Herr Coir Coif has a well-documented policy of not paying people, this is obviously an example of misplaced, wishful expectations. Not very professional on their part.


If you have a Roust Washington policy shop you have to feed, water and exercise it. People don’t realize what a responsibility it is. It’s all “Dad! Can I have a Robust Washington Policy Shop?? Please? It can live in my room! It won’t be any trouble…” Yeah, right. Remember the goldfish? Remember that campaign staff you tried to keep? Remember the gerbils? How did THOSE work out?? Ha!

You aren’t mature enough to take care of a Robust Washington Policy Shop, young man. Not by a long shot.


None of these stories matter, because none of them stick, because the media wants a President Trump. I’m working under the assumption that President Trump is happening, until it doesn’t. It seems he’s gaining in the polls at a rate that he will be ahead come November 8th.

We’re fucked,
Albesure, on the ledge.


##Paychecks are for closers!


They didn’t get a payment agreement in writing??? HAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Even if they did get it in writing, good luck collecting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


It’s a stoke the drumpfster fire strategy. It’s working beyond their wildest dreams. They’ve stopped making excuses, that is for sure. Shocking that he polls where he does. We live in interesting times. Ignorance, arrogance and confusion are sucking the energy big time and the fire burns.

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Huh, rolled up after 2 sessions in August…to move the NYC. GOP senators left in the lurch. Perhaps they just learned in interesting lesson. NAH.


I have always watched to see how a candidate runs his/her campaign to know if they’d be effective in office. Is the candidate organized? Does he/she have smart dedicated staff who each know their job and their “turf” in the organization?
Welp, best I can say for trump is …DUCK!! HE’S GOING SCATTERSHOT AGAIN!!!12!!!3!!!
He hires staff, and then doesn’t bother to use them or even pay them for their time and efforts.
It’s a campaign of one. which brings to mind Rumsfeld and his Army ads about an army of one.


However odd to say this, but I find that I must agree with Trump’s decision to not “prepare” for anything.

  1. Trump lied about remarks made by a President of a nation with whom we share a common border
  2. Trump immediately afterwards made a highly divisive speech in Arizona
  3. Trump made a pandering speech in a black Detroit church
  4. Trump has been revealed to have employed people in the country under false (immigration) pretenses
  5. Trump has been shown to have lied about making suspect political contributions in Florida

And through all of this, his poll numbers have risen with Nate Silver’s 538 going from giving him 11% possibility of winning in November to over 30%…all in the space of 2-3 weeks.

When you have Todd, Mitchell and Lauer, what more does one need?


Trump stiffs people?? Shocking!! Ho, hum, just another day…


It’s in his resume’

So when HO talks about putting Americans to work he’s really setting us up for no pay internships?


“I’ll hire good people. It’ll be great!”

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