Discussion for article #237313
“I’m a feature writer for the Style section, for Christ’s sake. I AM A JOURNALIST!”
Next time I’m tempted to take a selfie, I’ll think of these images and pass.
This is kind of the definition of “inside pool”, isn’t it? Media naval gazing.
Pictures don’t lie, but evidently Terris does.
Technically he is correct. Hipsters don’t have friends, they have accessories.
“Ben would not have been assigned the story if there was a conflict of
interest, such as a personal relationship with the subject of the
story,” [WaPo publicist] Olsen said.
Yeah, the WaPo reporters would never develop less-than-adversarial relationships with important (or even not-so-important) people they cover in order to maintain access to them. “Beat-sweetener? What’s that? Never heard of it!” said the entire WaPo editorial staff.