Discussion: WaPo Reporter On His Profile Of Ex-Buzzfeed Plagiarist: 'We Are Not Friends'

Discussion for article #237313

“I’m a feature writer for the Style section, for Christ’s sake. I AM A JOURNALIST!”


Next time I’m tempted to take a selfie, I’ll think of these images and pass.

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This is kind of the definition of “inside pool”, isn’t it? Media naval gazing.

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Pictures don’t lie, but evidently Terris does.

Technically he is correct. Hipsters don’t have friends, they have accessories.

“Ben would not have been assigned the story if there was a conflict of
interest, such as a personal relationship with the subject of the
story,” [WaPo publicist] Olsen said.


Yeah, the WaPo reporters would never develop less-than-adversarial relationships with important (or even not-so-important) people they cover in order to maintain access to them. “Beat-sweetener? What’s that? Never heard of it!” said the entire WaPo editorial staff.