Discussion: WaPo: In Talk With Pence, Cheney Compared Trump's Foreign Policy to Obama's

Clinically Evil Cheney v. Stupidly Evil Pence. War hawk Cheney, who led us into the Iraq quagmire, has the audacity to criticize Obama’s foreign policy??? Give me a f_ckin’ break!


Banality of evil, personified.


Two men with shitty judgment arguing over whose shitty judgment is even shittier than the other’s.


Let’s be honest, trump’s foreign policy is what darth cheaney accused Obama of, it is not that policy. Obama worked to secure america’s Place in the world with our allies, and to challenge malign actors. Trump has sold us out to those malign actors, while bowing down to them, all the while working to undermine our alliances.


“George W Bush lied America into a disastrous war in Iraq”, Donald Trump on national TV 2/13/2016.

From the statement above, it is impossible for anyone who supported the Iraq War and who really gives a darn about security and foreign policy to support Donald Trump. That is, and this is no exaggeration as over 1,000,000 people are dead because of the Bush/Cheney Iraq War, if they lied America into the Iraq War than Bush/Cheney are the biggest war criminals since Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. Or to put another way, for Dick Cheney to be supporting Donald Trump says that Cheney has other priorities than foreign policy and security. From what happened before, during and after the war we know Cheney’s priorities are oil and money.

But that is another discussion. In regard to Bush/Cheney, for now it is only necessary to say if there is anything good to be said for Donald Trump’s foreign policy to include national security, it is that 911 did not happen on Trump’s watch and so far Trump has not started a stupid and disastrous war. Or again to put another way, the best thing you can say for Donald Trump is that he is no Dick Cheney.


I’m sorry. Why does anyone, of any party, care what the lying profiteer of a useless, tragic war has to say on any foreign policy matter?


“Your with us or again us”, George W Bush. “I looked into Putin’s eyes and saw down into his soul a man of peace”, again George W Bush.

In regard for contempt for allies and international organizations and doing Putin’s bidding, Trump and Bush/Cheney are not all that much different.


“I worry that the bottom line of that kind of an approach is we have an administration that looks a lot more like Barack Obama than Ronald Reagan.”


The question is are they dumb or evil. I do not think anyone can call Cheney dumb. Pence is another matter.


“when the American people elected this president, they elected a president who expressed concern about American deployments around the world, and they knew this was going to be a president that came and asked the fundamental questions about — you know, where are we deployed and do we really need to be asking men and women in uniform to be deployed in that part of the world?”


It is a form of Schadenfreude. :wink: Watching those in Trump’s own party call him out. Evil enemy of mine, who attacks my current equally evil (if not more destructive) enemy, is not my friend, but is fun to watch. Sort of like a bunch of Trump supporters fighting over a few dirty Oxycontin pills.


Wait, you’re BOTH wrong.

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Given, there are few in public life who I have more antipathy towards than Cheney. I abhor him - and Pence and Trump.

That said - I rather enjoy reading about his shoving a shiv into Trump via proxy-Pence. Now that it is public - I also look forward to the nasty tweets that are certain to come flying from PennywisethePresident.



alt headline: Man Who Engineered Largest Geo-Military Disaster in US History Opines Further Nonsense on Foreign Policy with VP Nincompoop

alt-sub headline: No Heartbeat Found in Either Man


This is the kind of lying and evil that I miss from our government these days. Never give up Cheney. Though I would like you to give examples of Obama alienating our traditional allies, giving secrets to the Russians and disgracing us in the eyes of the world. I lived through those times too, and I don’t remember the Vice President being greeted with silence when he spoke greetings from the president at international conferences. But you keep on being you - you- made- with- spare -parts- ghoul from the Infernal Regions.
Gosh, I’m feeling nostalgic.


no, that really is McConnell


Using Putin for scale, how can anyone believe Trump is 6’3"? Trump looks maybe 5’10" barely taller than Putin, who is way shorter than Obama. CLINICALLY OBESE.

I’m sorry, did you still want to talk about has-been VP’s?


“We’re getting into a situation when our friends and allies around the world that we depend upon are going to lack confidence in us,” he said, adding: “I worry that the bottom line of that kind of an approach is we have an administration that looks a lot more like Barack Obama than Ronald Reagan.”

I’m pretty sure lying us and the international community into a war in Iraq -which led directly to Isis and increased influence for Iran in Iraq as well as loss of significant blood and treasure -did our allies no favors. You can look no further then Tony Blair for that.

Thanks for reminding us again what an ass you are.