Grifters gotta grift.
Suckups gotta suck up.
Manus manum lavat.
Just wait until next year. Trump properties will either be hopping with GOPs or too toxic to touch.
almost a haiku
The GOP is complicit with Trump’s open grifting. Sad.
The standard of conflict of interest has forever been changed!
1.3 mil?? Is that all? That won’t even pay Trump’s lawyers for the third quarter. Where’s the love?
Yeah, that sounded low to me.
So since the cost of running those places was 2 million, Donald’s only 700K in the hole. Wow one if his best years yet! As much as he hates blacks, at this rate he may be in the black one day.
No it hasn’t. Republicans have never cared about their own President’s (indeed, nearly every elected GOP official)'s conflicts of interest. It’s just in the past they have never had a President who was so brazen about flaunting it.
But once a Democrat is back in the White House, they will be all over it. Its the classic IOKIYAR. Right up there with the rant I overheard last week from a couple of Trumpers how everyone is suppose to show respect for the President of the United States, completely oblivious that both of them spent the past 8 years showering as much disrespect as possible upon Obama.
“Core” properties.
Because they and their owner are rotten.
The government does, now, get a complimentary subscription to Trump magazine and poolside snacks at all Trump resorts!
Good thing it’s in a wink wink trust and the president doesn’t know…um, I meant BLIND trust…and the president doesn’t know anything about it at all. I mean, this could be some corrupt shit.
@fargo116 I got your “wink wink trust” right here, buddy
I want the investiagions to begin yesterday. But I’ll settle for January, 2019.