Discussion: WaPo: CIA Report Finds That Russians Sought To Help Trump In Election


I would think that if it turns out that Trump knew what was going on he could be sued even after taking office by Clinton or any of the many people affected by the outcome. And we know from Clinton vs Jones that the POTUS is not immune from lawsuits.

And from the NYT:

They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.


Obama has been a disappointment for the last time.
Bipartisan support—really?
The voters’ interests were paramount, not keeping Mitch McConnell comfy.


So Russia, a major oil exporter, hacked our election with the explicit encouragement of Donald Trump and it was covered up by the Republicans by Mitch McConnell threatening Democrats, but nothing we can do!

The U.S. is now facing a major national security threat in Donald Trump, but Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats are silent about that.

I know, I should just be a good Democrat and shut up. Nothing anybody can do!


So much for getting bipartisan support. President Obama has tried too hard to get their support and never really learned from Day 1 that it was impossible. The election was stolen. Trump is not legitimate. I think he and his team (Manafort) colluded with the Russians. Why do you think they moved Manafort out?


Trump knew and he encouraged it publicly.


There you go folks …
From the shining city on the hill…
to a steaming pile of shit on the front lawn.
I’m hoping they won’t start a war
I’m hoping they don’t crash the economy
I’m hoping they don’t privatize Medicare
I’m hoping they don’t turn SS over to Wall St
I’m hoping they don’t dismantle Obamacare
I’m hoping they don’t dismantle the EPA
I’m hoping they don’t make abortion illegal

Not much hope is there?


From NYT this morn:

Mr. Tillerson has worked to strengthen Exxon Mobil’s ties with Russia. The company has various joint ventures with the oil giant Rosneft around Russia, and has contributed to social programs in education and health. In 2012, the Russian government awarded Mr. Tillerson the country’s Order of Friendship decoration.


This story makes me want cry. As well as the similar reporting in NYT. We Democrats didn’t have a chance.

American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.

the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.

In the months before the election, it was largely documents from Democratic Party systems that were leaked to the public. Intelligence agencies have concluded that the Russians gave the Democrats’ documents to WikiLeaks.

@georgeh Truth always hurts, especially at that first moment when the scales fall off your eyes. We were played and we had no one fighting to stop the rigging that orange knew about and we thought he meant something else. Added; NYT story is in its coverage today.


shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!

Bye bye, NATO. It was good while it worked.

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Truth be known Trump wasn’t elected by blue collars so much as Republican women who voted on one issue, abortion, who accepted Trump as one of the mysterious ways in which God works.


Oh, and why was this news dumped on Friday?


The Clinton camp claimed back in October that Putin was trying to tip the election and that Trump was aware of this.

She was ignored.

Back in 1998 she spoke of a “vast right wing conspiracy.”

She was ignored then, too. Turns out she was correct.


“McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

“McConnell’s office did not respond to a request for comment. After the election, Trump chose McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, as his nominee for transportation secretary.”

That’s it, in a nutshell. McConnell and Comey threw the election, with the Ruskies providing material support.


Harry Reid’s belated vindication.

© Greg Nash
A spokesman for Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Saturday blasted the New York Times for publishing a story before the election downplaying Donald Trump’s links to Russia without using quotes from Reid that challenged the story.

What is causing the NYT’s descent into ragdom? Eyeballs and $$$$? Or are they just amateurs?. Or have they been posessed by the ghost of Leni Riefenstahl?


I was wondering about that very issue. Is there data to back up this as being the reason women voted for Trump?

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The Trump Tower’s response to this story is characteristic of basic propaganda technique: use transference to discredit the source. In fact, CIA and Intel agencies did not promote WMD – as detailed in my book,The Italian Letter. The Bush White House – and Cheney – did that.


I suspect The Art of the Deal is Trump’s Mein Kampf. I haven’t read but it might contain further clues how he will govern once a terror attack hits the capitol.


The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history.

Was it now? And tRump has a mandate also, right? Becuz he won the popular vote in a youuuuge landslide didn’t he?