Discussion: WaPo, BBC Identify ISIL Executioner 'Jihadi John'

Discussion for article #233694

So being detained makes you want to execute and behead a person who did nothing to you? I suspect this guy had issues long before he was “detained”.

More details at the Beeb: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-31637090

Ah the joy of fresh religious conversion.

It certainly shows that jobs and opportunity aren’t sufficient to stop young people from being radicalized. I think we need to consider that humans evolved to get great mental and physical stimulation from risk and adventure. It releases scads of neurotransmitters, and can rapidly become addicting as most extreme sport practitioners have found. Struggling for some goal, even a foolish one such as trying to revive a medieval caliphate that was hardly perfect in it’s own time, will have an appeal to some young people, especially when cleverly packaged.

As far him being detained, which came first? The Tanzanian authorities detained him because there was reason to think he wasn’t planning to go on safari at all, but was planning to go join al-Shabbab in Somalia. Tourism is a critical revenue source in Tanzania, and they have little interest in harassing tourists for no reason.


“I feel like a prisoner, only not in a cage, in London. A person
imprisoned & controlled by security service men, stopping me from
living my new life in my birthplace & country, Kuwait.”

Touching. What’s hard to comprehend is the response: imprisoning people who had nothing to do with any of his problems and brutally and gratuitously killing them in cold blood.

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A girl from Scotland who’s now about 20 went to Syria a few years ago to become a jihadist and is now one of the biggest recruiters of other young women to leave home and go to Syria and join violent jihadists. Three young British women have recently gone missing, and the families are distraught because it is girls like these that are often used as suicide bombers.

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In a related story, Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham called for an immediate air assault on West London and the repositioning of the aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush in the English Channel.

When asked whether they’d support boots-on-the-ground, they were adamant that we take no options off the table at this stage.


He’s a full blown member of ISIL death cult, plain and simple. Nothing complicated can explain the sadism - when a human gets exhilarated from the sight and smell of fresh blood, gushing from a fellow human.

A yellow-bellied coward in a man’s burqa, soon to be consumed with his death obsession.

How are girls aged 15-16 allowed to get on an international flight without parental permission? That seems like a hole that should be plugged. Also, how is Turkey, a NATO country, able to continue letting people enter and go to Syria to fight without anyone doing anything?

There are more and more fires to put out all over the world with fewer resources and less political support to go after the fires. But I don’t think 15 and 16 year-old children are automatically barred from international travel. Airlines vary on these policies, but if they’re over about 12, generally speaking they can travel unaccompanied by adults.

TPMs handling of pictures is regrettably bad in the ‘All’ List (at least in the Chrome browser ), Why not resize instead of cropping ? You often end up with an utterly irrelevant part of the picture in the list. (and, in this case, an innnocent hostage is presented with ‘Jihadi John’ title)