Discussion: WaPo: AOC Staffer Established PACs That Paid $1 Million To Corporation He Ran

“Chakrabarti worked as a volunteer manager of Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign the year after the payments were made, according to the Post.”

End of story. Sorry you wasted your time.


It will be fun (and by fun I mean hemorrhoidal) watching the right scream that this is the most wrong thing ever and that AOC is a criminal by association, even though it has yet to be determined that he did anything remotely illegal or even improper (A campaign manaer that used a PAC before signing on with AOC?! Forfend!). Meanwhile, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, etc… but the President is like butter.


This will in RW media till AOC is forced to resign and her career is finished. Doesnt matter if its legal or not.



Is this any different or better/worse than campaign communications folks using their own firms to make ad buys? If people understood how politics and political campaigns helps participants profit, they’d never stop throwing up.


So…the only ‘story’ is that he NOW works for AOC and prior to that he made money. OK…I’m sure FOX and ilk will run with this as if it means something…


I’ll admit I’m pretty ignorant about this stuff but isn’t this basically what PACs do? They’re created to aid a candidate and whattaya know, they aid the candidate? So I don’t know if this is just money in politics or if Chakrabarti was unethical in some way or what. We need campaign finance re-reform but if this is a particular problem I dunno. A little help?


Likewise, I don’t fully understand this either, but it sounds like WAPO has time on their hands and is painting AOC as politician who hangs around with a big money PAC operative. Big deal.

Gotta put her in her place and take away the “sainthood” she never claimed.


Gee, this story is so stupid I thought it came from Reuters.

Every time a see a story that says “Trump Investigations Could Cause Problems For Dems!” or “Why Mueller’s Report Might Be A Letdown For Trump Critics” or anything similar, I just know it’s gotta be Reuters.


AOC Fatally Crooked Because Reasons

P.S. Thanks for the tax breaks!

  • Corporate Ownership

If only there was a solution to the problem of the corrupting influence of private and corporate money in politics…hmmm…here’s a thought: just maybe campaigns could be publicly financed, lobbyists could be shown the door, and policies would be driven by need and not advertising budgets.

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WAPO positioned this story alongside a dis (hit) on another freshman Democrat congresswoman…seems the Dems are ruffling some old feathers, and good for them!


I think we’ll see more of these “hits” on Dem’s over trivial shit as Trump’s perfidious bullshit comes more and more to light from the committee investigations. Bothsiderism and false equivalency to be “balanced.”


cough TRUMP cough

Oh AOC! Looking a bit swampy.

Keep remembering my mother-“Sweep your own doorstep dirst”.

Mox Nix! Swampy is what swampy does.

The only legitimate complaint, and it’s barely that until someone argues convincingly that laws were violated, is that the arrangement could have been a little more “transparent.”


Yes, the episode may test her abilities and good sense.

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I think the issue is that AOC has been pretty vocal about how bad PACs have been for our Democracy. I don’t have any issues with this, but I think the narrative is that she is no different than the rest of the politicians.


My take-it’s likely legal but there is the hypocrisy bc AOC so vocal on the issue.