Discussion: Walker's Involvement In Withdrawn Public Records Law Changes Still Uncertain

Discussion for article #238174

Is there really any question whatsoever as to whether he was behind this? It was a corrupt, devious, undemocratic, rule-changing, sand-in-the-eyes, below-the-belt exercise in chicanery. In other words, it’s 100% pure undiluted Scott Walker doing what he does best and most predictably.


“a way to protect constituents from being targeted by outside groups through open records law”. Are all republicans expert liars?


Pretty much.


Talk about transparent… it is transparent to anyone reading about this that Walker has so many secrets and so many lies to cover up, he is willing to expose his desperation through this fascist gambit.


Government that is acted out behind closed doors is always oppressive.

Also, they are running interference on Anonymous-style hackers who might expose those secrets and lies, the only thing they hate worse than being denied their private power is that those who expose them go unpunished.

I am only speculating here, I know nothing, as Sgt. Shultz might say…

But before the next election, there is a treasure trove of secrets and lies on the exposure block, primarily due to the ALEC era of state legislation that created such a massive amount of illegal conspiracies and outright deceptions, it is hard to imagine the people who move about in dark computer places don’t already have them for public display.

Particularly the voter fraud fraudsters… their pervasive multi-state extended conspiracy crossed so many legal federal and state voter protection lines, and all with the hubris of self-anointed power, they have no idea how exposed they really are.

The reason they are doing this is because they HAVE those secrets and lies in the first place. An honest, open government needs no protections like they are formulating, only liars, cheats and frauds require insider protections like this.

How they fail to see that is the most amazing part to me, but these days, I am resigning myself to the knowledge that many of our far-right politicians and their staff have neither the perception nor the intelligence to even recognize how their desperate cover-up ploys look to the people of the nation and states around them. Their supposed self-righteousness and of course right wing pounditry, seems to have convinced them they can break any law to protect their status quo.

Along with the rampant coordination between PACs and campaigns, and a couple other specific issues, the arrogance of the tea Mob era is destined to come back HARD and haunt some then right into jail.

But timing is everything. Don;t expect the BIG exopse’ until the Republican clown-car presidential field is winnowed out, and those with the dirt have their targets established. Fact is, the hackers could expose every one of them right now, but why waste their time on losers?

I am fairly certain of one thing… NONE of them has clean hands, especially on the PAC/campaign collusion front. They seem to think they can just ignore that strictly written part of the law. So they made errors on a grand scale, and they did it so completely, there is no way they can deny it when the truth comes out.

They’ve cleaned up their acts a bit, in some quarters, but to my utter shock ( I mean that) some of them continue coordinating shamelessly between their PACs and their campaigns, especially in Iowa, in such a way that if “the law” ever decides to step on them, the boot they do it with will be a BIG one.

Walker and his Wisconsin fellow fascists believe they can make new laws that protect them so they can break old laws, that will inevitably be their undoing. Unless they get those old laws removed from the books (Citizens United accomplished a great deal towards that chaotic end) the new ones are simply impotent, but if they DO remove those old laws, these new ones will be unnecessary in the first place.

But they just keep tripling down.

Which is why they are overreaching like this to vainly attempt to prevent what is inevitably going to happen.

Hubris is their curse.


actually, they will learn soon just what amateurs they really are… they could not have done ANYTHING worse to bring the scrutiny of indignant hackers down on their doorstep, this is their desperate attempt to prevent that.


We know who the culprit is.

It’s the guy who has lied about everything else.


Actually, this one is a Freudian slip.

They’re describing all of their rich corporate and third-party conservative interest group benefactors that fund their campaigns as their constituents.


my point exactly… this is projection at its lowest and finest, depending on your perspective.

And “outside groups” are voters.


Was Scott Walker behind the move to gut Wisconsin’s Public Records law?

This is a rhetorical question, right?

It’s amazing. Even with Trump and Cruz and Huckabee, Walker manages to walk away with the prize for odium among Republican candidates. Quite an achievement in that crowd.


Of the three most scary fright-film villians of my youth (Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff), the scariest to me was Peter Lorre.

The bland, nothing-look on his face juxtaposed with the horror of his deeds on camera were truly terror-inducing.

Walker is the Peter Lorre of Politics.

But the scariest part of Walker is that, unlike Lorre, who was popularly accepted and regularly cast as an arch-villian, Walker appeals to about 40-50% of the American electorate (the majority of which, as geriatrics and/or Confederates, VOTE) which is quite comfortable with the hateful positions of the Republican Party.


The GOP, preaching about open and accountable government until they are in charge. Then…lock it down.

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Creepy dishonest Walker is among the worst of Republican governors.Can you imagine such a person being President?

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He claimed that lawmakers were interested in the changes as a way to protect constituents from being targeted by outside groups through open records law, as well as to encourage a “collaborative discussion” during the legislative process.

Therein lies the problem. Wisconsin Republicans have constituents and outside groups backwards. Constituents are the people who live here. Walker, and his slightly more timid but no less mendacious or toxic Republican friends, have thrown constituents under every bus they can imagine for the benefit of outside groups: the nonresident millionaires, billionaires, corporations, trusts and shareholders, who want only tax cuts and the freedom to be held accountable for nothing.

Constituents take their kids to the park. Outside groups neither knew nor cared of the parks’ existence. Constituents demand an excellent education system. Outside groups would’ve been disappointed had their kids “settled” for the University of Wisconsin, even before Republicans ruined it.

Of course Walker was behind the failed attempt, and the comical, panicked abortion of said attempt as well. He’s running for President! The biggest threat to his ambition is some reporter doing their job, and nothing motivates a reporter quite like a man with obvious symptoms of something to hide.


Walker will fool more rubes than Cruz, Huckabee or Perry ever will.

YES…ugly inside and out…Crooked and kock owned!

Repub bags do not like education either …it turns people into Democrats!!!

This is just another example of republican legislators doing whatever they want regardless of the legality of their actions. What else could explain their attempt to justify it.

Just a minor setback for the masterplan of the Kochtopus Empire. The co-emperors’ plans to sweep away the last pitiful remnants of foolish democracy have been slightly balked this time, but the progression to the glorious day when they rule the provinces directly, through loyal Imperial proconsuls, is inexorable. Bwhahahahaha!

Would this surprise anybody?