Discussion: Walker Promises Pre-Emptive Strikes To Stop 'Radical Islamic Terrorists'

His bragging would make Gohmert proud. What a doofus!

I bet it is somewhat effective with his dumbass persusadable-vote targetted group.

And violate other countriesā€™ sovereignty whenever he thinks itā€™s warranted to get the TURRISTS.

Because MURKA.


AlphaDad, please make your question shorter, take out the big words and write it in crayon.

Iā€™m going to tell you something very scary, If any of you remember the 1983 movie The Dead Zone thereā€™s a character played by Martin Sheen named Greg Stillson, that guy Stillson is Scott Walker through and through and you had better believe Walker also has his gorilla Sonny, vote for him at your own risk.

Uh oh. Looks like Josh Bob Duggar is riding around in the clown car

Walker also promised to nuke the Teamsters and hold televised beheadings of public school teachers in the local soccer stadium. The crowd roared with whoops of approval. And Walker saw every thing that he had wrought, and, behold, it was very good.

Oh how I long for the good old wake up news, when I learned the terrorist threat color of the day.

I really feel like the country is being run be adolescent males in arrested development. Not only this puerile warmongering but the whole obsession with guns and controlling other peoplesā€™ sex lives. Itā€™s really very frightening what weā€™ve become, thanks mainly to Fox News. .

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In other words: ā€œAmerica, FUCK YEAH!ā€

Donā€™t know who, what, where but Iā€™ll do something, donā€™t know what, where, when but you can take that to the bankā€¦ now that makes me feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo safe.

The state is cratering, particularly our stellar University of WI system, under severe budget cuts so Scooter can offset his ridiculous tax cuts to the wealthy.

I have to hope this once pragmatic state (whether the guv was Dem or GOP), will wake up and this clown will be dead in the water politically.

LOL!!! Yes, I forgot who we were speaking to. My apologies.

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