Discussion for article #236655
So, in other words, Walker’s foreign/military policy will be to assemble poll-tested catchphrases.
Oh and that worked out SO WELL the last time.
No thanks.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is doubling down on his promises of pre-emptive strikes to prevent what he says are certain future attacks on American soil.
I thought we were doing that already, you know, that droney-womey kind of thing.
Today, ISIS, tomorrow the National Education Association - Qapla!!!
The grand self-delusion theme emerges once again. Iraq was about “bad intelligence” and not about “pre-emptive war”. So, launching pre-emptive wars is OK. “Let’s promise more of that!” I guess we’ll see how the general public remembers it…
Please proceed Gov.
When you got nothing else, pull out the fear. A tried an true repug tactic.
“he warned the fight would be lengthy, perhaps taking years…”
…and require the purchase of billions of dollars of oil and weaponry…
He’s got the hero status that might put him in good stead for the nomination, but he doesn’t have the chops for prime time against HRC. She’ll shit in his shoes and make him wear 'em.
Say what?
He’s going to “smoke 'em out”. Bring 'em in “dead or alive”.
So, knowing what we know now, Walker would not have invaded Iraq.
But, in his statement to “take the fight to them before they take the fight to us” he subscribes to the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes which was used to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Nifty two-step there.
So, here’s the question to ask these dummies: "Knowing what we know now about the failed mission in Iraq, how does that change your views on pre-emptive strikes, a centerpiece of the Bush Doctrine which led to and was used to justify the invasion of Iraq?
if he promises to carry them out in person, by himself, I will happily donate $5 for a one-way ticket to anywhere in the middle-east.
Oh Christ. Another Republican d*ck wagger who wants to be a war time President. Just what we need.
Why doesn’t he promise to drone the Kochs? They’re terrorists, too … and doing more damage to the country than ISIS.
Another republican angry, spoiled child. No other words necessary.
OK. Reinstate the draft or jump in first, douchebag.
Walker recently joined several Republicans in saying the U.S. was wrong to invade Iraq in 2003.
He only says that now because someone asked Jeb Bush about it first, My guess is every single one of those Republicans, had they been asked first, would have had the same answer as Jeb. Republians like war, they want more of it, more often, as long as they’re not the ones paying for it or facing the mental or social repercussions of it.
Scott Walker would wet his pants at the sound of his own fart.
Yeah, he’s going to rassle the head of ISIL out in back by the cement pond.
Walker is going to take on Hell’s Angels? That’s who has been staging massacres and terrorizing rural America not ISIS. I can see him now trying to take away their bikes as well as their guns, chains and machetes. He’s in for a big letdown with the TeaParty is he tries to be the next Janet Reno and rubs out the domestic militias and KKK.