Discussion: Wal-Mart Employees Refuse To Write The Word 'Gay' On Cake

Discussion for article #236064

Why would Ms. Sandoval want the store clerk to lose their job and burn in Hell for all eternity? Doesn’t she know the power of the word ‘gay’?

This from a store located in a state that allows legal gambling, prostitution, and secular weddings perfomed by people imitating aliens or dead musicians. Thankfully, they have lines they just won’t cross.


This story makes no sense at all.

Ignoring it won’t make it not exist.

Walmart isn’t going to be happy. It’s all about money in there and everyone gay or straight has it. This should be a good show. How not to piss off the Gays ( and their money ) and do it without a pissing off religious phonies ( and their money ) at the same time .


The level of weird in this story made me double check it wasn’t Florida

Beyond everything else - would it really knock people out if they wrote the message on the cake themselves? Last I knew Walmart carried cake writing kits

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My God. When is America going to grow up and stop acting like children?

WHO CARES what the cake says? Just write the damned message and forget about. Sheesh!


The cake looks full-up with just 4 words. How did they expect to fit that entire rambling stanza in the same area? 6-point frosting?


I think it must go like this:

God intended prom dates to be male and female (Genexicus 147: 1-11). Our society tampers with this natural law at its peril. Walmart’s brave cake-decorators are willing to die in the last ditch in defense of time-honored norms of decency.


Never mind the gay-straight thing.

There is a Wal-mart in Vegas?

What? All the high rolliers go there to check the low, low prices on lawn furniture?

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I guess the only place the faithful can work in this den of sin is at the local WalMart. Little do they realize the network of tunnels beneath the facility to support the imminent military takeover of their freedoms at the hands of that Kenyan Muslin socialist uslurper in their White House.


Walmart has been having profit problems this may be the start of a gofundme campaign.


Someone is TROLLING for $$$$ from the Christian Dominionist MORONS (like the Pizza Parlor owners.)


What does “You Matter Prom Kings” even mean?

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As with pharmacists who refuse to dispense morning-after pills or other birth-control prescription drugs, if you find that your personal beliefs make it impossible for you to do your job, we will accept your resignation. We’ll even give you two weeks’ severance pay.


And from a company who literally takes its employees to be the scum of the Earth, undeserving of a livable wage or adequate benefits. Truly the occupiers of the moral high ground here.


Initially I read the writing on the cake as “You Matter Porn Kings.”


I guess that would depend on the situation. What if time was of the essence? What if you’re like me who had a spinal condition which pretty much robs me of the ability to be anywhere near artistic, or anyone who has severe arthritis, etc,? Does it really offend a place of business–one supposedly open to all–to write the phrase as requested, so long as there was no hate or derogatory words and/or references? Good grief.

There are two WalMarts near me. I occasionally go there, but if this story is true and WalMart defends this decision, they can count on me staying away from now on.

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Oh, TeenLaQueefa, I like that much better!

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That’s very generous of you.

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