Discussion: Wacky Fight Over Virgin Island GOP Delegates Is Finally Decided In Cleveland

Wew! (theatrically wipes brows) I’m glad that was settled!


They seem nice.



So if I get this correct, this is a fight over which guys who can’t vote get to spend a week in Cleveland meeting the local hookers.

POINT OF ORDER, YE SCURVY DOG, is fucking classic.

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This blows, mon. Sounds like a Yob gave a knob job, Bob. Somebody returned the lob, shined the cob, swallowed the gob, succumbed to the mob. The people have been robbed. Sob.


Gonna go ahead and file this one under “Stuff I don’t give a shit about.”

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Two warring parties of Virgin Island Republicans finally got a resolution to their bizarre, months-long delegate saga Wednesday.

At first glance I did read that as, Two warring pirates of Virgin Island Republicans…"

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This is way too ‘Islandy’ for me.

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I think VI delegates normally can vote, not voting is part of the compromise.

Isn’t this committee one that has Yob’s dad as a member, I think that was in the Daily Show’s interview with Yob. Also “a judge ruled this month that there was no 90-day residency requirement” so that sort of clinched it for Yob before the committee made a decision.

Sounds like a bullshit resolution, but what do you expect from GOP party Grand Poo-bahs who made this decision. I guess rewarding the guy that cheated on his residency to be a delegate from the V.I. is completely consistent with other GOP philosophies where cheating in order to get ahead is considered the highest form of activism.