And as noted on the other thread…that’s going to be a big problem for Trump and his campaign going forward.
Particularly for Trump, whose ego simply cannot handle being upstaged. But Conway is going to be throttling him to just let it go. And Hillary of course, won’t. She just got another burr to slip under Trump’s skin in the next debate.
Pence is really not all that bright or that impressive. Just google his positions on LGBT rights or funding for HIV research, among others. He’s really a far right, almost fringe candidate, and wasn’t impressive as Governor of Indiana.
For Republicans to be drooling over him just shows how far they’ve fallen.
Horseradish under his tail.
You stupid GOP assholes: you picked Trump. You endorsed. You strapped on the knee-pads. You’re going to lose. Pence’s career is OVER. Trump will be beaten like a gong.
Fuck you corporate assholes.
Here’s the thing - we might want to start treating Pence like he is at the top of their ticket. Trump is such an unstable wild card that he really could drop out at any point during this thing. I wasn’t kidding weeks back when I wondered aloud if Trump is just the vehicle to get rightwing radical Christian extremist Mike Pence into the White House - a position he could never win on his own.
That tweet from “Amanda Carpenter” - hard to tell if that’s the hope or that’s been the plan all along.
I really wish Kaine would’ve went after Pence instead of rehashing attacks on Trump.
Yeah GOP pundits, Pence did a much better job than Trump in this debate…
He still did a terrible job compared to a “real candidate” overall and came off sounding like a lying jackass, and an idiot… but if the hurdle you have to get over is “did better than Trump”… then yeah he was s phenominal /s
Keep it up, gents. In fact, let us help. Maybe we can interview Pence exclusively for a week, and if Donald tries to get a word in edgewise, we say “Hush, Donald, the grown-ups are talking.” I bet he’ll love that.
Trump isn’t dropping out. It’s more likely he’ll "fire"Pence for stealing the lime light than him cedeing the campaign to Pence.
For Trump this is all ego. He’s trying to show that uppity Obama for making fun of him at the correspondent’s dinner.
Maybe, but he’s already given one coy non-denial about quitting after a hypothetical win, and he also talked about turning over most day-to-day responsibilities to his VP, so I wouldn’t rule out anything at this point.
Yes, let us praise the Milquetoast.
Your train of normalcy left on Jan 20, 2009, losers.
10-4 …
Not enough prune juice in the entire country to dislodge the turd at this point …
He wants the title not the job, that’s what he meant by handing over the day to day stuff. And the coy quitting was back in the primary when he said if he dropped in the polls he’d drop out… well he dropped in the polls shortly after and he proved he was a liar then.
The only way Trump is dropping out is going to be because of actually being indicted over something and being forced to drop out (probably his foundation considering the way that stuff’s going)… not before.
This could be the (as yet) under-appreciated fall out from tonight’s debate. Let’s hope more Republicans come out echoing this flip-the-ticket line. Could prove more than Trump can take. Especially if it builds between now and Sunday, and then Hillary brings it up in the 2nd debate. Now there’s a scenario that makes a thrill go up my leg.
Trump’s bad week has become two bad weeks, what with his sidekick outshining him. That will drive him to distraction.
he did
It would be an unmitigated disaster (for the GOP). Otherwise they would have run a far-right candidate like him before. Instead they went with Bush II, McCain and Romney.
Well Pence is seen as their last Great White Hope, so sad for Mango Maniac.
“So my best hope for 2016 is that Trump wins, gets impeached in January, and Pence is POTUS by Feb.”
A fever swamp dream based on the impossible condition precedent of Trump winning the election. It’s hard to imagine a more desperate case of buyer’s remorse.