Discussion: WA Sues Trump Admin For 'Transparent Attack On Planned Parenthood'

“I cannot imagine withholding information from my patients. It’s unethical,” she said. “Politicians have no business telling me what I can talk to my patients about.”

Great end line there, Gene.


Let’s hear it for the GOP non-intrusive government / women’s rights combo platter.

Well played, Washington State.


Sadly, this probably ends at the Supreme Court where Brett Kavanaugh will AGAIN prove that Susan Collins is an idiot and a liar by providing the deciding vote that all these regulations are hunky dory fine.


Or not.


Gotta love Bob Furgeson. He is quick to sue trump. This man will shortly be Governor of Washington, and then who knows what else.

Definitely (with CA’s AG) in the top of the top in suing Trump…


Well it should not. The real issue in this case is “viewpoint discrimination” in that Trump seeks to via an administrative Order punish Planned Parenthood for their views and advocacy. This is clearly prohibited under Supreme Court precident, and the precident is from the conservative side.

For example, Rosenberger v. Rectors and Visitors of the University of Virginia (1995), the Supreme Court declared: “When the government targets not subject matter but particular views taken by speakers on a subject, the violation of the First Amendment is all the more blatant. Viewpoint discrimination is thus an egregious form of content discrimination. The government must abstain from regulating speech when the specific motivating ideology or the opinion or perspective of the speaker is the rationale for the restriction.” was a 5-4 decission, with Kennedy, Rehnquist, O’Connor, Scalia and Thomas in the majority.

I am not saying that the “conservatives” will not uphold what Trump is doing, just that they will look and be real hacks if they do so.


“Religious conservatives and abortion opponents have long complained that Title X has been used to indirectly subsidize abortion providers.”

Yes, they’re sure that womens’ health clinics cannot separate the funding between non-abortion and abortion-related services. In the next breath they’ll tell you that churches can separate their school funding from their religious budget.

Oh why do I waste my time looking for logical consistency from these hypocrites?


Unfortunately they’re far beyond seeing that hackpocrisy as an impediment to reaching the decision they want to reach.


A referral is a type of speech in my mind. So placing the restriction on providers to not be able to refer a woman somewhere for care is a violation of the first amendment.

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With any luck (and good lawyering) at all, these new regs will be tied up in court, and blocked from taking effect, until a Democrat takes office in 2021 and revokes them.

Indeed, is this a serious effort to change policy, or just a campaign gambit?


Quite clearly, it is both. Repugs and the Trump Administration will stop at nothing to limit Women’s rights and health choices, and their sicko “base” loves it.


If the government pays for any legal surgical procedures, I don’t see how it can legally deny paying for reproductive-associated medical care including abortion. Of course SCOTUS is in favor of denying women any reproductive control.

The white nationalist’s loathing for women is almost as strong as their hatred of African Americans and other people of color. They display it every chance they have. If they aren’t directly murdering or beating their despised group, they’ll deny the group any rights. That’s TrumpGOPutin’s utopia.


GOP: Them babies gotta get born. How they get fed clothed and educated? Not our problem!


Nice. This is MY state and not only is the Trump Admin fking with the lives of 14,000 women here, he is potentially screwing up women’s healthcare for 80,000 women USA wide. What pathetic toads these sanctimonious peckerheads on the Right have turned out to be.


Funny how universal health care opponents always advance the canard that government will get between doctors and patients - but they have no issue with it when it comes to women and their reproductive choices.


Yeah it’s side-splitting.



I’m waiting for the day we women begin to push an agenda which includes vasectomies for all the men who don’t want women to have unwanted pregnancies.


There is a chance that Roberts will hold with precedent. I think he does worry about his reputation. I’m pretty sure the other 4 hate reproductive rights so much that they will be hacks and hypocrites and possibly talk Roberts into going along.

It’s not so much that, as that they think if you pay for women to get an exam, then they have the money they would have used on that available to pay for an abortion. You gotta make the sluts pay for their sins!