Discussion for article #232064
Well, that’s a plus.
Face it, there are still idiots out there who believe the earth is flat.
I love that the denialist billionaires who make fortunes off of fossil fuels are throwing their money away to keep science out of science textbooks, and still failing. Please proceed, Oligarchs!
Not the ones who want their kids to go to college. Maybe only the ones whose kids can play football or basketball or other sports.
The rest will be almost certainly ensure that their children will grow up to be just like them.
And the cycle will continue.
Thank goodness - this is just so embarrassing!
I’m impressed the public was paying attention.
So a trio of inbreds from the back county of nowhere county didn’t get to practice their version of science. Big Deal.
The bigger deal and the one that matters to a Nation and to the world is that prize winning morons like this are going to be chairing committees and sub committees of the United States Senate and House.
The Big Deal is that these morons are going to try to make and enforce real policy in the here and the now,.
The Big Deal about the here and the now is simple. If we want these problems to be smaller in ten years time, we MUST make and enact policy NOW in order for said policy to have the long term effect on the problem.
“If you have that as a standard, then that presupposes that global temperatures have risen over the past century, and, of course, there’s debate about that.”
Only by nitwits who fancy themselves more knowledgeable than 97% of the world’s professional climatologists who are in unanimous agreement.
And this science-denying fossil-fuel-fellating simpleton is on the state school board?