Discussion: Vulnerable GOP Sen. Predicts Trump Will Help Republicans Down Ballot

Johnson: My goal is to make sure all racists/bigots in Wisconsin to come out in record number to vote. Trump is making it easy. I would prefer to some crimes committed by brown immigrants be reported during election cycle. It’s all going to work out fine.


Ron Johnson is card-carrying member of the Wrong About Everything KKKlub.


Is it possible that a Senator could be any more delusional? He’s actually dumber than I thought…and I already thought he was a pea-brained, half-wit dolt to begin with.

Ron Johnson needs to go back to sniffing the chemical composition of plastic for a living. Why not? His brain is already shot. Might as well complete the process.


Shorter Ron Johnson: Up is down and black is white.


I agree with Senator and Miami Vice reject Ron Johnson.
Drumpf will definitely help down the ballot.

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I can imagine Russ Feingold is licking his chops,“CANT WAIT” for the debate.


Boy is this guy in denial. Most all republican observers I have read think Trump would be a complete disaster for down ticket races. So, if this dweeb wants to think Trump is an asset, be my guest. The more GOPers voted out of office the better I say.
Just now on CNN “Poll: Trump unfavorable among 74% of GOP women”


Hard to see how he’s wrong. Trump brings out the racists in droves, they vote for other repubs like Johnson, who is hardly vulnerable, by the way.
Any state that elects Scott Walker three times is a republican paradise.

I don’t think anyone has ever accused Senator Johnson of being the brightest bulb in the bunch. Best of luck to him!

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More proof (as if any more is needed) that Ron Johnson (R-Idiots) is unbelievably stupid and living in a fantasy world.
How could Wisconsin have elected someone who thinks the movie “Idiocracy” was a documentary? (then again they elected Scotty Walker twice.)

I swear this guy needs someone to button his shirt in the morning, because complicated.


Well it’s standing in line time to take a poke at this stiff. As I read the article the image of a jellyfish came to mind. Nothing a fascist and racist couldn’t give some buoyancy to.
Where do they get these people, the Republicans are just riddled with mediocracy.

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". … that should also help me a bit too," Johnson added. (Sen. Ron. Johnson)

I wasn’t aware one can legally purchase and smoke weed in Illinois. Carry on, Senator. Carry on.


Ron: Please…don’t stop believin’!!!


… what Donald Trump is saying resonates with an awful lot of people when it comes to the incompetence of Washington, D.C.

Interesting that these idiots ignore that they are in Washington grifting off the taxpayers while being directly responsible (and delighting in) “the incompetence of Washington, D.C.”

Go Russ!


It’s not denial. It’s just dumb. He is, in fact, one of the dumbest boxes of rocks ever elected to the U.S. Senate. And that’s saying something.


This dude is an idiot. His seat is already gone, he just doesn’t know it yet.


Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.


Translation" “I’m fucked.”

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