SEn.KIrk IS A courageous THINKer wHO WILL NoT vOTE FOR TRump BUT will Instead vOTE FOR His Party’s NOMINEE. WHY Is this SO Confusing TO LIBtards? THIS ISn’T ROCket SURGERY.
Mark Kirk is no “moderate hero” and I hope voters are smart enough to see that. He endorsed Trump not that long ago - now that he fears he may lose his seat, he will try to side with more liberal Illinois voters as a means of self preservation.
Indeed. Just because Kirk has made his cake doesn’t mean he has to lie in it.
I much prefer to lie in pie myself. Especially rhubarb-strawberry.
So if the Republican Convention suddenly spays El Quacko, will he flip back once again? Gotta love the deeply held and courageous beliefs!
Typical! Just another anti-stroke RINO.
Oh Mark, here is the problem. Sure you may have been the first Republican to ask for a vote on Garland but the fact that you ARE A Republican helps maintain the Republican majority allowing the Republican leadership to control whether Garland gets a vote at all. So your futile disagreements with your own party’s leadership are meaningless.
And your stand against Trump and refusal to support Hillary simply says that you are in favor of continued Washington gridlock. Few voters are in favor of a do-nothing government.
Best of luck in your future career endeavors, Mark. Your time in the Senate will soon be over.
Please clap.
That would be post-stroke RINO
Strokes are good for the economy and create jobs! This guy is clearly anti-stroke.
Duckworth needs to tie Trump around Kirk’s neck and squeeze. Every day.
I just love this so stinkin’ much! On one hand, he may attract some moderate Republicans and Indies who were already going to vote for him if, say, Jeb+ was the nominee. On the other, the Trump voters are so viscously loyal to all things Trump that he will absolutely lose a large chunk of the constituency he most needs to turn out to win AKA his base. On top of that shit sundae, he’s facing one of the most formidable, infinitely likable, awesome candidates to have run since a big eared, devilishly handsome guy who also ran for Senate in IL. That guy went onto become one helluva president. So, I’d wish Kirk luck, but I ain’t into wasting wishes on lost causes.
Plenty of former Democratic office holders have tried this tactic over the past few cycles with little to no success. I don’t see any reason why it will work for a Republican.
Coming soon to a food website near you:
Recipes for crow, rabid fox, toxic tea and gawdSwill.
I think you’re supposed to say “pun intended” in there someplace.
Desperate politicians do desperate things to get re-elected.
It has to be a desperation move any time a Senate candidate repudiates his party’s nominee in a Presidential cycle, and I hope it doesn’t work. But all the talk you hear of quiet desperation and panic, and this visible bit of the iceberg, sure suggests the GOP incumbents are seeing some pretty horrendous numbers in their own internal polling. Or would I have that wrong? I’m very used to being wrong but whoa, pretty sure this isn’t a typical thing. : )
I think this fraud makes me want to puke more than any other Republican.
My preference … jello ----