Take her down Wisconsin, take all these gop goons out to the woodshed, electorally!
Tammy is the candidate that needs to be supported in WI. The Right has managed to smear were relentlessly on opioid abuse in our VA hospital (look up Tomah for the history) and there is a very strong campaign coming to ruin her. I have seen some very vitriolic statements against her in social media.
As with any Senator, Tammy makes mistakes, but she has attempted to recover and do the right thing. But she hardly has the prescription pad to authorize this stuff.
This is the one that needs all the support, folks. We can’t let her lose.
Wisconsin needs a senator who represents and will work for the people who make our state great —
not the far left orout-of-touch elites
So strike out the far left from this, and tell me how on earth someone who wants to support the Trump tax cuts is not supporting out of touch elites? These republicans really depend on a dumbed-down populace.
Because the low-information. Fox-watching voters are continuing to be told how wonderful all these moves Trump is making will make their lives. And the Democrats are doing nothing to counter that.
Baldwin is a progressive with grassroots support. I don’t see her losing to this establishment Trump toadie. Obviously take nothing for granted but Baldwin should win by double digits.
I certainly hope so, but I know some of the mid-state voters in Wisconsin - they hate her with unbridled passion and revere Ron Johnson as the savior of the State. I don’t understand that mentality, even after his 4 July visit to Moscow.
Okay well there’s no reaching folks like that, doesn’t mean Baldwin won’t win.
I can never understand how this attack works. Who do these morons think the elites are?