Discussion: Vox: Manafort Allegedly Guided White House On How To Discredit Russia Probe

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Sounds like conspiracy to obstruct justice to me. But then again i live in reality.


So Manafort the master manipulator and political strategist appears to have been advising the Trump WH on several steps to fight and attack the FBI/Mueller investigation. It would appear that the Trumper WH and their allies followed every single recommendation.

This lends further credence to my theory that Mueller knew that Manafort would lie once he signed the plea deal. Mueller was likely aware of all of these efforts on the part of Manafort to undermine the Mueller investigation. I doubt that Mueller would’ve asked Manafort anything Trump related because he would’ve assumed that Trump might’ve reacted against him.

Mueller essentially let Manafort screw himself and probably hooked Trump in on direct evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct justice complete with pardon shopping. Mueller looks to be in a position to put Manafort away for a long while and get Trump on a very clear obstruction charge (one of many, mind you) without the time and expense of a second trial in DC.


No wonder they are getting caught. (They are lucky that merely being stupid isn’t a crime.)


What was that line about dying in prison?


So, Manafort’s attorneys will most likely find themselves charged with something? Cool. No wonder so many of his counsel have stepped aside throughout the past couple of years – a few of them must have not been too accepting of WH demands to cough up some useable info.


Sounds like Manafort is a “clear and present danger” to our country.


I’m old enough to remember this.

“You know, Paul Manafort worked for me for a very short period of time,” he said. “He worked for Ronald Reagan, he worked for Bob Dole, he worked for John McCain, or his firm did. He worked for many other Republicans. He worked for me for what? Forty-nine days or something? A very short period of time.”

oh well


A former federal prosecutor speculated that the OSC knew what Paulie was doing and fed him bogus information for the sole purpose of Manafort feeding the information back to the White(s Only) House, thus trapping him, Toadglans and his minions in yet more obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges.


Paul Manafort allegedly guided the administration on how to undermine and thwart the FBI probe

And his diabolical plan is working (checks notes)…oh dear.


Let’s hope so.

The end game for Drumpf is fascism. He might look like he’s “losing it” or “melting down” (or any of the other slang expressions we all use) as new revelations and criminal actions against him come forward.

But Drumpf’s main strategy (and goal) has never been “being a defendant” in a criminal (or impeachment) trial. Rather, the strategy is to make the legal system irrelevant and bent to his will (like Hitler’s Reichstag during his regime).

McConnell and the GOP Senate is supposed to do their part with the legal system judge appointments.
Drumpf (the inciter) is suppsed to do his part and keep the base stirred up.

That’s the strategy and will be going forward until something (family?) makes him resign and/or the GOP Senators get the justice they deserve.

But Drumpf doesn’t plan on going to trial, either in the court system or the U.S. Senate.

This may look pessimistic, but I am actually highly optimistic of the prospect of Drumpf being out of office (and soon). The demographics of the U.S. as well as it’s established educational, legal, journalistic, economic structures militate against Drumpf attaining what I did indicate that he is (and has always been) strategizing.


“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell! ~Carl Sandburg

One way to look at this is that Manafort is a evil, vindictive punk in a $5,000 suit. The other way to see it is that early on he knew the case was a loser so he tried to fight it the ony way he could… using, as George Smiley might say… Moscow Rules.


Plain and simple, Manafort is putrid to the core.


At some point, stunts like this cross over into being Malfeasance in Office (see, e.g., Arpaio). If Spanky succeeds in putting a subservient enough AG in place, he’ll likely cross that line. So far, only the DOJ has saved him from leaping over it.


Sign of a ‘good’ consultant is to tell the client to do what the client instinctively wants to do. Manfort was channeling Roy Cohn for Trump. Then Manafort added a bit of 'value-added" by pushing the DNC-Ukrainian angle. Scum knows scum, like knows like.


John Schindler! Still hopefully waiting for him to get Noble for best prognostication.


ETA: Haven’t looked at Schindler in a while. He has a speculative piece about the Cohen-as-Prague-bagman accusation in Steele Dossier. Interesting, he links it to the $50K “IT Services” campaign expenses item for which Cohen received reimbursement from Trump Org.


Janan Ganesh of the Financial Times makes a lot out of the phrase “citizens of nowhere”. The leavers in the Brexit mess claim the problem is that the people with national pride of place, the loyal hardworking people of England, were being ruled by liberal, globalist “citizens of nowhere” who served only themselves.

Ironically, Manafort, Trump, et al, seized a nationalist identity, but are our own “citizens of no where,” above all laws, loyal to no country, serving only themselves.


The truth will set you free. But for Dumpie and Manhole the truth is they are felons and will soon see the light…of a 25 watt bulb. Bottom line here – in my opinion – that is because we are witnessing not just a criminal investigation but a counter-intelligence investigation. Mueller knows everything already, and he has tools available that Dumpie and Manhole are too dumb to understand. The end of this may well be so very explosive that the GOP, er, Russians in Congress will scurry into darkness. Manhole and Dumpie are up against a person who fully understands the concept of sovereignty, fought for it in Vietnam, and someone who will continue to fight like all hell to give the stolen goods back to the people. That’s the issue here. Dumpie stole from each one of us. And the Russians and Putin can go fuck themselves.


The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand.


The only way the movie of this is going to go down is if it’s a black comedy