Discussion: Voters Split on 2016 Candidate Best Equipped To Address Terrorism: Clinton or Trump

Discussion for article #242945

Trump has outdone Hillary so far, when it comes to dealing with ISIS! While Hillary was foolishly demanding we take in 65,000 Syrian refugees Trump erred on the side of caution, warning that there might be jihadists among the refugees, lo and behold the attacks in Paris bore that out. Trump also said Russia should be allowed to join the fight while Hillary demanded a safe zone over Syria to keep Russia out, and Now Obama is praising Putin’s efforts in Syria.

Hey Roundsquare, I didn’t know Trump was “dealing” with ISIS? I doubt he could even give a short history on basically anything to do with this conflict other than “bomb 'em”. But I’m waiting to see if Trump starts making inroads with his responses, for Hillary to put on her 82nd Airborne jump boots and respond in kind, going full Giuliani with noun verb 9/11 at her campaign rallies.


Cannot be an America ONLY fight! Can you people really not get anything right?

Are you seriously this poorly informed? One the attacks in Paris were not carried out by refugees, but by European nationals. Two Hilary has not said we should take in 65,000 refugees, but agreed to the 10,000 we are taking in at some point. And do you even have a fucking clue as to how long and arduous the vetting process is for refugees? It can take over two years. Look you should stop commenting on things you clearly know nothing about it makes you look like an idiot.


no. the attacks in paris did not show that. they were home grown. the syrian passport may have well been a plant. the safe zone is for the syrian dissonants whom the russians have been bombing. i’m fine with the russkis bombing the piss out of isis. i’m not fine with carrying out attacks on assad dissonants. does the donald want russian planes murdering syrians? please remove your head from your butt.

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Wow…really flying that personal Moron flag of yours really high.

  • We are talking about 20,000 refugees, not 65,0000.

  • Refugees coming to this country are undergoing an stringent vetting process; always have, always will

  • The attackers in Paris were French and Belgian; every bit of evidence keeps confirming this

  • Hilary discussed a no fly zone to protect the Syrians on the ground from Assad. She has always spoken at some length about partnering with any of number of people involved in the area, not excluding Russia.


You: One the attacks in Paris were not carried out by refugees, but by European nationals.

Seems like you’re the one who is poorly informed.

CNN: One suicide bomber entered EU by hiding in tide of refugees – http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/15/world/paris-attacks/index.html

I am assuming you got your “facts” from the misleading Think Progress article titled: ‘All Paris Attackers Identified So Far Are European Nationals, According To Top EU Official’

Firstly, based on the title itself not all the attackers have been identified. Secondly, the fingerprint of one of the attackers was matched to a fingerprint taken from a “refugee” in Greece, but the authenticity of the attacker’s passport hasn’t been verified yet, and for that reason this individual is still considered as unidentified! Think Progress doesn’t report this fact because of course their goal is to blur the facts.

See Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/16/us-france-shooting-bomber-greece-idUSKCN0T50U420151116#LqFjPpFrTMFjyskj.97

Really bad news out of the Carson camp on this front today.

Apparently his aides did an interview with the NYT where they are basically saying that Carson just doesn’t get foreign affairs, despite numerous briefings on the subject. They admitted that his Chinese comment was completely nuts. Over all it was a pretty eye opening piece, especially because it was from his own campaign staff!!


Yes, I do, it is not a real vetting process whatsoever because the refugees do not have any records, so they can lie about who they are. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/brzezinski-and-king-spar-over-refugee-vetting-process-mika-you-are-1000-wrong/

Yeah…you are apparently very lost. RedState is the other direction. Take your tinfoil rantings over there, you will find a band of nuts much more amendable to your style of crazy.


Alienating Syrian refugees and other Muslims is exactly what ISIS wants the West to do…

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That has got to be the biggest load of bullshit, nonsense and idiocy I’ve read today. Even responding at all, I feel like I’ve parked in a handicap zone. It just doesn’t feel right.
On the other hand, go back to Stormfront or RedState or, at the least, FOX Noise’…or whatever troll cesspool spawned you.


Name calling is the last resort of someone with no arguments. Did you really think you were going to get unbiased facts from Think Progress? As my sources (CNN, Reuters) show one of the attackers did indeed enter the EU posing as a refugee based on FINGERPRINT evidence, the only thing in question is whether he did so with a genuine or fake passport, and until this matter is resolved his identity remains elusive.

There is help for you. But not here.


That has got to be the biggest load of bullshit, nonsense and idiocy I’ve read today.

You’re allowed to hold that opinion.

“Voters believe that black and white are the same!” “Voters see no difference between and Mercedes Benz and a Chevrolet Impala!” “Taste great!” “Less filling!”

I see the tea party bedwetter chicken hawk contingent got the first post on this thread. Hillary has more balls than the entire Republican field including the Donald and the furry animal on the top of his head.


Sparky your link was from two days ago. A lifetime in these types of situations. The Passport found has yet to be proven was that of terrorist or a victim. And no I did not get my facts from the Think Progress article. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34826117. Bloody moron. Isis thanks for responding just bas they would hope people would respond.

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Not sure if you realize it or not, but you confirmed the argument against you. The person said the attackers were all European Nationals, you said it was a refugees. The article YOU linked says it was a European National who sneaked in with the refugees.

So the attacker were all European Nationals, not Syrian refugees.