Discussion: Voter ID State Alabama Closes Drivers License Offices In Many Majority Black Counties

So, today they were suits instead of sheets, but the evil is just the same.


Republican strategy:

-We should require photo ID at the polls. Photo IDs are super easy to get, so it’s totally not a problem.
-On a totally unrelated note, we no longer have the money to make photo IDs accessible to all citizens.

-We don’t need to regulate corporations, because people can just file civil lawsuits to address malfeasance.
-On a totally unrelated note, we need to pass tort reform which will make it more difficult for people to file civil lawsuits against corporations.

-We don’t need to worry about discrimination within the private sector, because the government already provides enough public services to all citizens.
-On a totally unrelated note, we need to privatize most public government services and let religious charities fill in the gap.


Exactly, f**king right.


Its insane how voter ID is such a clusterfuck of local “state’s rights” and “ferderalism” b.s.


What an absolutely shocking turn of events!

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I’d presume that the lack of voting is very much an echo of Jim Crow.

I think voting is “hereditary” in the sense that if your parents made a point of voting, you will too. So, if voting was considered dangerous because of violence or intimidation, that effect the next generation as well, and so on…

This is why either my wife or I (or both) take our son with us to vote every time.


Ahhh, taking a play out of the Scott Walker’s “How to cheat at voting” playbook. That is so "last election. The courts didn’t let him get away with it. I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.

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Ben Jealous had a chart showing the results if blacks voted in GA.

But I am far more disgusted by Latino shenanigans than African American ones. For example, with us we (a) don’t vote as we should and (b) have too many Cruzes and Rubios among us.

The African American voting should be higher, to be sure, but there are far more voting Blacks loyal to the Democrats than voting Latinos–in an era in which the Republican Party is the furthest to the Right in 85 years.

The idea that Bush (or Rubio) speaking Spanish is as ludicrous to gaining Latino support as George Wallace speaking English to gain Black support.


…yeah, so? That’s a feature not a bug.

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Conservatives hate democracy. It’s that simple.


not only is the republican party the most racists its been in decades, the supreme court is also guilty of racism by not protecting minorities and the poor from these heinous voter ID laws all for the purpose of suppression. Roberts will not be remembered kindly in the history books as he allowed this country to sink into a pit of theology and racism, which he could have stopped in its tracks but since he is also a racist catholic he chooses not to.


Racial isn’t political???


I contacted the AG of the State and gave them a piece of my mind and asked if their office intends to do something? They said not unless a suit gets filed. What utter bullshit.


Other hoops black Alabamans must jump through to get voting ID:

They must answer this question “What is the wind speed velocity of an unladen swallow”?


That’s known as the republican COTV effort. “Cut Off The Vote”


Actually, very fucking believable. The GOP’s plan is simple, require the ID and make it damn near impossible for people in minority areas to get the ID. Close the Driver’s License Offices, and make it as hard as possible for people to get an ID. Look at what happened in Pennsylvania- there were counties with offices that were only open once a week or less. Same thing is Texas- some counties without offices, and others open very limited hours. In PA, some people were having to wait HOURS to get an ID, and the offices were only open when most people are at work.

Again the plan is to make it hard and frustrate people into not getting IDs. The GOP has bet on the idea of restricting the vote, because it thinks that’s the only way it can consistently win. Screw gerrymandering districts, stop certain groups from voting.


-We can be sure democracy survives because of free speech.
-On a totally unrelated note, money is speech, corporations are people, and there is no need for political donation disclosures.


Of course. Every county has another county just a couple blocks away.

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I have a feeling there is a civil rights lawsuit in this some place. By the way, if they close drivers license offices does that mean they are eliminating the drivers license requirement?

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These guys are subversive!