Discussion: Vote of Chris McDaniel's Lawyer Listed As 'Irregular'

Discussion for article #226303

This is like a game without the fun.


His 15 minutes were up weeks ago. He didn’t get the memo.



Outrageous. TeAM McDanIEL voTED for CochRAN? THAT has GOT to BE ILLEGAL!!!11111!1one!!1!1!1!


This just in: McDaniel suspects he has a dick but claims it is irregular and illegal. Film at 11.


Oh, Prunella. According to McDaniel, wouldn’t that make Tyner a lawbreaker? Why is McDaniel hiring a lawbreaker to represent him in court?


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more strange…

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It’s because his lawyer was black in a past life.


McDaniel can identify voters. He can’t identify how they voted. What can he base his complaint on? How do we know that crossover voters didn’t vote for him?


Oh, that is just beautiful.

Shame that in one day, someone was able to catch something this yutz’s entire team didn’t catch in several weeks.


Its like the Rs who tried to double vote to prove voter fraud is so easy/common - only end up getting busted themselves.


Well, the lawyer said there was cross over voting.

Chris McDaniel’s team has listed the vote of Mitch Tyner, one of
McDaniel’s lawyers leading the state senator’s effort to fight the
results of the runoff election he lost for U.S. Senate, as an irregular
vote that should not be counted.

What a clown car.

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Given his team’s various arguments about people who don’t intended to support the GOP nominee in the General Election as being a disqualifying factor for their vote to count, McDaniel needs to have his own vote tossed as well.

Keep digging Team McDaniel, Chiana is down there somewhere.

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I’m waiting for someone from Team McDaniel to suggest branding of those who vote in the first primary with an R or a D.

What, a badly run primary? I’m shocked. But except in Florida when your name is Bush an incompetently-run election doesn’t give the judiciary any power to decide who won.

“At some point, a poll worker crossed out nearly every voter’s name and
indicated that they’d voted not on June 3 but on June 24,” Fritsch said
in a statement to TPM. “This shows that the book was not switched. The
fact that even the Republican votes were crossed out is further evidence
the county did not properly institute the “swapping of the books” to
obviate crossover voting.”

Well, they have now admitted that any evidence of crossover voting is suspect.

What’s next, proving that McDaniel didn’t meet residency requirements?

How do we get this guy into the GOP presidential primaries?

Why go to the trouble when you can already just go by skin color?

And yes, that is an argument actually advanced in McDaniel’s challenge document- point ten I believe. Blacks are mostly vote for Democrats, and no one who is not really, truly in his heart Repulican should vote in the Republican primary; therefore, black voter’s votes should not count in a Republican primary.

They even performed a regression analysis correlating the racial makeup of certain counties with the increase of votes for Cochran from the regular primary and the run-off dates to “prove” that Cochran actually lost by 25,000 votes, once those black votes are thrown out.

What a loser. Ya lost STFU and go home.