Republicans are always saying Obama has no “class.” I guess this is the Republican idea of class.
I’m shocked – shocked I say!
Trump overwhelmed the HVAC system with hot air.
A liar, a bully, AND a deadbeat! That is the trifecta of awfulness. How can anyone support this ridiculous man??
Keep telling them… why would anyone (Other than Omarosa ) do business with Donald Trump? Even the banks would not touch him.
There are so many small businesses that have lost money due to Drumpf not paying his bills that no one should permit him to use their facility or to be hired without specific documentation. Drumpf’s effort to short-change the Hotel Roanoke is yet another classic sign of his bullying. As if bullying a hotel will get him more votes in Virginia?
Most hotels would use the stay of a politician as a marketing feature. Not here.
They may as well just wall Donnie’s room off, and call it a total loss.
Trump will now sue the hotel for $17 million in damages. The hotel will write his bill off. Because if you’re Trump, that’s what you do. You fuck everybody to whom you have made a commitment. Everyone you can. It’s the art of the deal. And some people want this guy to lead their country. Go figure.
I highly recommend this Washingtonian piece about how Trump acquired his Virginia winery. Tells a lot about how the man does business.
Trump was having hot flashes. Rather than sue the hotel, I recommend some hormone replacement therapy.
In Bukowski’s “Ham On Rye” he recounts how when he was a kid his dad would regularly complain about the quality of food at a restaurant, typically make up something like “there’s fly shit in the potatoes!” and refuse to pay. He also described his dad as kind of an unbearable, sadistic asshole.
Welcome to the Trump Universe… I wonder how many other venues between now and November are going to ask for the money up front before booking a Trump campaign event.
Trump’s narcissism knows no bounds!
Professional plaintiff and general asshole, aka, Stumpy DiJiT adds another attack to his unfathomable depths of Donny ad hominem fallacies. The likes of which, we. have. never. seen. before.
Donald gets more presidential every passing day. The entire week in my part of Virginia, the temperature has been close to 100 degrees, puts a strain on the ac, you big baby! Then there is all the hot air enclosed in that room adding ten degrees at least.
That may ingratiate the hotel to him, actually. After all, Grift Tannen is a big fan of building walls.
Rule of thumb for all vendors contacted by Trump’s “organization” - collect 110% in advance.
Yeah, in a purely political sense, it’s generous of him to do this in a swing state.
Frankly, it’s amazing no one’s yet started to do this as a condition of doing business with him.