Discussion: Virginia Government Creeps Toward Shutdown Over Obamacare

They lost and are in tatters, advancing backwards from the national stage. All of this imposed upon them by a Black Man. Now I know why Romans acted such way after Hannibal.


Idiotic state. Bickering over people’s health?

great this will go national and remind people what happen back in october 2013 something the republicans were able to bounce back from.


Another example of the repubs(small R) cutting off their noses to spite their face,IMHO.

I Love Virginia (I heart Virginia) That was a
great C of C move back in the day… Now you
have these crazy Republicans saying lets
make Virginia the same as Kansas…
Tell the Koch brothers to take their money
and build a Beach in Kansas… We will keep
Virginia Beach and the ocean front property…
will be coming down from PA to visit Virginia
this summer !! GREAT STATE VIRGINIA …

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“The Republican-led House has refused to budge.” Imagine that…

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All your waterloos are belong to us

Has anything been published on estimates of health insurer profits projected from ACA sign-ups?

To what constituency are these VA Republicans playing?
What would sabotaging the ACA buy them?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Informed replies welcome.

Meanwhile, the Obamcare signups grand total is currently
between 14.4 Million and 23.5 Million

The existential wounds Republicans have sustained over the past 5 years in the ACA battle will take at least a decade to subside, just as it did after the New Deal, blacks being allowed to vote, women being allowed to vote, medicare, civil rights… pretty much everything that is good for a modern society, Republicans have fought against tooth and nail. That’s how they roll.

3… 2… 1… go trolls!


“will of the majority” be damned…

Health and security of 400,000 low income Virginian’s be dammed too.

Why in the world any politician would want to deprive any Americans from getting decent healthcare is beyond me. The GOTP is one of the most mean-spirited bunch in history.

Or just dumber than dirt.

I was thrilled to see Sen. Reid talking about the oligarch Koch brothers. Bernie Sanders is also talking about this in loud, definitive terms. It’s about time they call out these cretins before they destroy the place.


This is typical GOP thinking. They care more about the politics than they do about the good of their constituents. They are willing to cost Virginia hospitals billions of dollars along with denying coverage to hundreds of thousands of Virginians rather than do anything that looks like support for Obamacare. What cowards and hypocrites these GOPigs are.


The only people in the civilized, developed world, who would deny health insurance to millions, drop coverage when policyholders get sick, support annual and lifetime benefits caps, force Americans to pay higher premiums, and actually ration Medicare, are the depraved and corporatewhore’ TEAtard Republicans.

“Neither side seems interested in compromising”

Both sides DON’T do it - denying people health care is not something that speaks to “compromise”. This is GOP obstruction.

Every reporter seems to think they MUST blame democrats for thinking it is a right - not a privilege - for people to have healthcare. If the media had not waved flags for the hate of the GOP this would not be happening.


GOP POV: “They’re GRILLING the books now!”

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The TPM editors are now on their third selection of the day. They’ve gone from “Vrig.” to “Virg.” to “Va.” – and I think each choice has been an improvement.