Discussion: Virginia Gov To Sign Medicaid Expansion After 5-Year Fight, With More Battles Ahead

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Elections have consistences

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Baby steps, I hope. Because a lot of things about this “expansion” are as punitive as any of the deep red states. Maybe they will be able to improve it over time.

The work requirement seems really perversely evil to me. Sure, lazy freeriders blah blah, but the way it works is that someone who is working and doing OK gets hit with some kind of crisis (layoff, family emergency, not-quite-disabling illness, whatever) and just as they’re getting back on their feet they get a notice that they have no more medical care fore six months or a year.


What does the following word mean “consistences?”

Hello, I am, how you say, American guyovitch! Very please to meet, elections have no collusion, this is know to all!


This is great! Yes, it contains some very harsh punitive measures… For now. Get more Democrats elected, flip the statehouse, and changes can be made to lessen or entirely lift the work requirements. In the meantime, struggling people in VA will have access to affordable healthcare, some of them will live longer and better lives because of it. That’s a win.


This is key.
My hope is that more Dems will take heed - particularly those that run around every election saying " there’s no difference in the Parties". :unamused:


or if you are seasonally or irregularly employed. Which is exactly why you need access to a non-employment-based regular health care program. Otherwise you have a month-to-month bureaucratic headache. If you can’t use your annual income averages, you are screwed.


Yep. But I’m just thinking the paperwork nightmare. Someone somewhere may have thought through just what documentation will be considered proof of work and proof of hours worked (contractors who get paid by the task are clearly up the creek), but complying with that stuff will keep thousands of people out, especially if the system is administered by people whose first response is to reject.


As a native Virginian here (now living in Nevada) I can factually opine that the Old Dominion is like a microcosm of the nation as a whole. Liberal in the cities, clueless and conservative in the sticks. Heading back there in a week to celebrate my Dad’s 80th birthday!