Discussion: (VIDEO)

Remember all those who danced on Boehner’s grave? I wonder what they’re thinking now. After all, they don’t have the votes to elect one of their own and they won’t fully support any establishment Republican. Who would have thought they’d miss Boehner so soon? He could probably demand a King’s ransom to reconsider.

Although it is a horribly partisan sentiment, I really don’t want the Democratic Party to join ANY bipartisan coalition candidate. The Republicans made this mess all by themselves and Nancy Pelosi should do absolutely nothing to bail them out. This is the ultimate demonstration that needs to be exploited of how the Republicans can’t govern and used to re-capture both houses of Congress.


The senate, sure, it back in Dem hands next year. The House is screwed at least until the next census though.


"Mr Tom Delay to the red courtesy phone.
Your table in the Eighth Ring of Hell is now ready Mr Delay."


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Then do something about it Charlie.

Here is my suggestion, get Moderate Republicans, if they actually exist, to team up with Democrats to sign a discharge position to raise the debt limit.

That ought to send a message to the fraggin’ baggers…


“That we need to assemble bipartisan coalitions…”

I don’t know anything about Dent, but this statement right here demonstrates he’s completely out of step with today’s Republican Party. Unless he believes that Adam and Eve had veggie T-Rexes for neighbors in the Garden of Eden 5,000 years ago, he might want to consider becoming a Democrat.


If Dent thinks the extreme tea-hadists are conservatives, what the heck does that make his group?

The Russians just fragged Iran…

I disagree. We don’t know what the next election will bring. With the media going all out against Hillary, we may even end up with President Trump if he wins the Repub primaries.

I think if the Dems are able to extract significant concessions, and possibly tilt bills slightly to the left of center (I know it’s unlikely) then they should indeed help pass such bills.

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Yeah, I’m so sick of the perversion of the word “moderate.” There are essentially no actual moderates left in the GOP; people like Charlie Dent, and Tom Cole, and Peter King (!) are very, very conservative; they’re just not nuts (though on some issues King can’t even claim that). The GOP “split” isn’t about policy, on virtually all of which there’s very little difference between “establishment” and “Tea Party” Republicans; it’s all about strategy and tactics, and how tethered they are to reality wrt how to achieve their goals. “Moderate” is not a synonym for “sane.”

Buoyed by their victory to preempt McCarthy and cut him off at the knees, the Cons and Bagger Tea Potty purists go after other RINOS (Reprobates In Name Only)…shouting, “Brains…we need brains…!”

“The challenge for our conference is quite simple. That we need to assemble bipartisan coalitions to pass any important legislation around here,” Dent continued. “Whoever’s going to be the next speaker should not appease this group of rejectionists who have no interest in governing.”

Congressional GOP, make it so!

Reporters try to interview the one Republican in the country who is willing to take the job, but they can’t get “Elvis” to come out:


Scared enough to act in unison behind a willingly bi-partisan leader to save themselves?

Gerrymandering doesn’t explain the GOP crazys in the Senate, however. We presumably non-idiot Americans must vote much more responsibly and much more often!

None of them are capable of perceiving doing that as anything other than the off-ramp to K Street.