Being as he was newly married at the time I think this is a pretty good indication of how he treats women in his “day to day life.” Fucking cur.
A video apology without Drumpf being castrated is no apology at all.
Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
That’s all he’s got. “Clinton” and a verb.
he sounds so forced. rehearsed. mechanical. low energy.
This isn’t the Trump we knew. We need to Make Trump Great Again. Or for the first time. Or forget about him. Any of those, really.
If anything this is actually worse than his first “apology.”
That one was “off the cuff.” After 5 or so hours this was the best that all his staffers could convince him to put out. It’s just pathetic.
It would have BARELY registered as an apology if he had stopped about 1/2 way through. As it is, I actually think it makes things worse.
So here we go again. HO: “I’m just a big talker, I’m a man’s man doing and saying manly things. But Hillary…”
Hey Mr. Asshole Bill isn’t running. Hillary was doing what Tammy Wynette did with George Jones, and you know what neither one of them ran for POTUS, But I bet they both made more money than you will after Nov. 8th.
Liberal media forces Mr. Trump to apologize for being a real man? Sad. Democrats are just jealous of his manly perfection and his brilliant genius. They don’t want America to be great.
On MSNBC they are calling it a hostage video.
I love how this happened so long ago, so you should ignore it, but then blaming it on Hillary and Bill, which was even longer ago.
When I heard about this whole thing this afternoon, my first prediction was that he would blame Bill. And what a surprise! He did!
That’s my thought too. He would have been better off doing nothing.
Merrick Garland just won the lottery.
Trump is truly regretful tonight. He’s thinking “She wanted me. I should have just grabbed her anyway. None of this would be happening right now.”
Many GOPers are hoping that Donald J. Trump should agree to bow out now and allow Mike Pence to run for President. In case they haven’t been paying attention to Dominating Don, that’s not gonna happen. They are really throwing up as much fairy dust and unicorn piss for fear they’re stuck with this LOSER, that they can barely see straight anymore. But guess what? They are stuck with this predator. He’s all yours motherfuckers, nor is he going to drop out no matter how much you beg him or cry about it.
To repeat two points from the other thread:
It was terrible. He looked like a feral reverse-raccoon trapped in a corner and lashing out.
In his “apology” for his crude objectification of women, in which he demonstrated his firm belief in his right to assault women, he never actually mentioned women.. He didn’t actually apologize to anyone, not even the women who were the subject of the comments or in his own family.
Will any GOP leader complete the triple-backflip with an immediate, “Apology accepted. Let’s move on to winning in November?”.
Surely someone…
What “apology”?
As far as I could tell it was a 90 minute commercial to tune into the next debate.
He’s not the same as in that 11 year old video, but Bill Clinton is?
He calls misogyny a distraction
What does Hillary Clinton have to do with his apology?
What does the economy have anything to do with his apology?
So, I ask again… WHAT APOLOGY?
90 seconds of pure unadulterated BULLSHIT, I say
Trump didn’t apologize. He threatened. Don’t be fooled. Listen to the end of his statement. Not the beginning!