Discussion: Video Reportedly Shows NFL Star Punching Wife In Elevator

Discussion for article #227363

Wellā€¦there goes the Pro Bowl.

This season anyway.

Two game suspensionā€¦thatā€™s disgusting. How about putting his ass in jail?


ā€œAfter that, the man delivered an apparent knockout blow before
carrying the woman out of the elevator.ā€

Carrying??? In the video I saw, he was dragging her. An entirely
different thing. Carrying suggests some kind of care being taken,
dragging suggests that she is just a piece of baggage. He may
have carried her FROM the elevator area, but he drug her OUT
of the elevator.

Soft-peddling the truth obscures it. Call it what it is.


Shocking that NFL officials viewed this footage months ago and simply gave this brute a light tap on his massive wrists. I donā€™t know about the victim but that vicious, lightening left hook would have shattered my face and erased any desire for marriage.
If Donald Sterling had kept his mouth shut and punched his mistress would he have a new Bla-sian wife and still own his basketball team?
There really is something deeply wrong with many, many aspects of our society.


What a POS Ray Rice is.


If that was me that punched that lady, I would be posting this comment from the prison library.


Yep. In the video I saw, he was inded dragging her - like a sack of fucking potatoes.


Only after doing Big Johns laundry.

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So, two weeks henceā€¦ think they play him? Now that this has come out, I mean. I donā€™t think there was any doubt about it in the absence of a viral video.

Serious question, I have no idea what the Ravens will do. On the one hand, even an NFL team has to worry about publicity. On the other hand, they pay him an ungodly amount of money to beat people up on the field.

Itā€™s better luck for him than he deserves that this came out today, and not the day before his suspension ends. If nothing else, weā€™ll get to see what two weeks of pedal-to-the-metal public relations work looks like.

Not having to play in the NFL Pro Bowl is not a punishment.


Iā€™m glad for these new penalties for domestic violence. It will probably mean that some NFL players who might have had one felony charge never filed will be drawn out and made to suffer what seems like a disproportionate, career damaging or ending penalty (compared to prior punishments). And because some guys will be shocked at the new level of punishment for domestic violence, behavior will hopefully change.

I see this as strangely analogous to veteransā€™ issues. With veterans, there are a lot more of them, they arenā€™t rich like Ray Rice, and they by and large arenā€™t hulking behemoths either. But learning to re-adjust to life out of a constant life-or-death stress situations takes time, patience, and training. PTSD is a real thing affecting a lot of people.

Now, NFL players (and many guys who played upper level college football) often have repetitive injury brain damage. Their careers are hugely dependent on strength and conditioning, so their response times and muscle fiber are ready to spring, even when the guy is drunk as a skunk.

I donā€™t know if Ray Rice hit his wife out of some sort of simmering malice, or whether her approaching him triggered some sort of ā€˜target + trainingā€™ response in his brain. It looks like a forearm shiver; it looks automatic. And thatā€™s the problem: That Ray Riceā€™s first impulse, even drunk, wasnā€™t to keep in mind his surroundings and his supreme advantage in physicality.

So yeah, I think sports has some genuinely ā€œbad guys.ā€ But I also think there are a lot of immature millionaires in their early 20s who suppress impulse control on the field, ready their bodies for constant confrontation, and then are expected to be well adjusted off the clock (with accumulating head trauma).

Hopefully the under-punishment of Ray Rice is a turning point for pro sportsā€™ response to domestic violence. Hell, Warren Moon allegedly assaulted his wife in 1995 and her testimony was what absolved him. (They split a couple of years later.)

Hopefully making examples of a few NFL players who think theyā€™re invincible and take it out on women can mark a larger discussion of male-on-female or just partnership violence. Maybe we can have a productive culture shift and it will even trickle down to the millions of American men in the middle of the socioeconomic spectrum who were drilled to expect violence at any turn before they grew into self-actualized people able to exert self-control.

Stockholm Syndrome anyone?

I hope the NFL reevaluate that 2 week (no pro bowl) suspension after seeing this. Im surprised she didnt suffer some kind of head trauma.

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ESPN is reporting that the NFL commissioners office has released a statement saying they had not seen this particular video until this morning. The commissioners office said they requested any and all information from law enforcement officials, including any video, but this particular video was not included in what law enforcement released to the NFL commissioners office. Well, in my opinion, in light of what we see in this sickening video the NFL needs to revisit the slap on the wrist punishment handed out to Ray Rice, and hand out a punishment that fits this sickening crime.

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and then she married him?


What a gentlemanā€¦he picked up one of her shoes. /s

ā€œā€¦a woman believed to be Janay Palmer, who is now his wife.ā€

She was his **fiance! **He knocked her out cold and dragged her limp body out of the elevatorā€¦and sometime afterward she married the SOB. Everything about that constellation of facts says that both parties are pathologically fucked up.

I hope she finds a safe way out of the marriage before he beats her again. The release of the full video is going to put a lot of pressure on Rice. The odds are not in her favor.

Not sure I buy that the didnā€™t see this beforeā€¦Sounds to me like they are using this as a pretext to revisit the suspension. Wouldnā€™t be an issue of course if they would have thrown the hammer down from the beginning.

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Punk ass.

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