Discussion: Video Purports To Show ISIL Militants Beheading Egyptian Hostages

Discussion for article #233291

All these beheadings and the person burning is so reminiscent of the centuries preceding the Enlightenment. Could what’s going on be a kind of revival? Battles between religions do have a tendency to get out of hand, like stupid on stupid.


Can anyone explain how Theodore Shoebat was able to post pictures of this on his wbsite FOUR DAYS before the video was released? Is Shoebat now working WITH ISIS?

Maybe still shots were released before the full video?

ISIS is nothing but a death cult. A twisted sick murderous death cult.
If they had real courage of their “convictions” they wouldn’t wear masks yet they hide their faces when they make their threats and do their killing.


Thanks, Dubya.

Will your legacy of these radicalized terror groups be prominently featured in your Presidential library?

Really, that’s sooooo 16th century! We have the courage of our convictions! We don’t hide! We have completely unmasked personnel use drones to slaughter innocent men, women, and children by remote control halfway around the planet, or simply strafe unarmed journalists from a helicopter gunship. No “boots on the ground” for us! And when we do our slaughtering, we don’t brag by publishing the video, in fact, we put the patriots who leak the accounts into prison or send them into exile. Boo-rah! USA! USA!


I was trying to find a way to express my disgust and hatred of ISIS. But if you want to morph that into how bad the USA is, well, you’ll have to find some one else to pick on. Yes we aren’t perfect. Yes we make mistakes. But where’s the film we proudly made and posted on line showing us pointing knives at the camera and threatening the wet with rivers of blood and then proceed to show in gory detail the beheading (with short knives) of 20+ Copic Christians on a Libyan beach? Go find the video, look at it. See for yourself. It’s likely on Fox. If not there follow the Theodore Shoebat name (see Talibaptist’s post). You’ll find it.

That’s fine. Now how 'bout “find a way to express my disgust and hatred” for the U.S. policy of the indiscriminate killing of thousands of the innocent, the poorest of the poor. Take a look.


Other stories from the website that image comes from:

Vaccines: It isn’t just Autism Folks.

Getting Closer to those Who Run the World


Heck, the image you posted mentions the Illuminati in the URL.

You know while civilian casualties from drone strikes are a problem, it would be a lot easier to take your arguments seriously if you didn’t resort to using conspiracy websites as a source.

Look at what I wrote. I didn’t absolve the US. But I suppose you missed that. And if you hate the US so very much Darcy…well, you have options those Egyptian Copts didn’t. There are other places you might feel more comfortable living in. I choose to stay here and try to make the US a better place. Elect Democrats and oppose the war mongers on the right.
BTW: I hate that “go live elsewhere” argument. But in your case, Darcy, it might just apply. Your hatred of the US puts you on the side of ISIS. Choose which bed you want to lay in.


You’ve done that very well. I’m now convinced that you do hate America. It reminds me of a certain exiled America-hating individual that some of us here may recall that became swepted away with his own Anti-American fervor…


I did look and didn’t say you absolved the U.S. I said:

Still waiting.

How 'bout giving it a try? I know, can’t go there.

So, calling ISIS a death cult isn’t good enough for you?
In case you missed it I’ll repeat myself:
“. But if you want to morph that into how bad the USA is, well, you’ll
have to find some one else to pick on. Yes we aren’t perfect. Yes we
make mistakes. But where’s the film we proudly made and posted on line
showing us pointing knives at the camera and threatening the west with
rivers of blood and then proceed to show in gory detail the beheading
(with short knives) of 20+ Copic Christians on a Libyan beach?”

The US doesn’t choose to murder innocents. In fact we go out of our way to avoid doing so far more than groups like ISIS do. Those Christian men on that Libyan beach were murdered most gruesomely for being Christians and nothing more. That’s not to say those killed by mistake by the US aren’t as innocent. ISIS did what they did most deliberately… If you feel so strongly about how bad America is then get off your backside and move. I hear Costa Rica is nice. They don’t even have an Army.
Or since you seem to think ISIS is somehow justified then go join 'em.