Discussion: Video Captures MI Police Struggling To Respect Gun-Toting Ranter's Open Carry Rights

Discussion for article #223980

One wonders what this jaggoff would do, seeing a black man walking up and down the sidewalk of his street?

He’d call the cops. Don’t think he wouldn’t.


Carefully marks down the date.

There is sure to be a followup to this lunatic. But ofc, his right to have his artificial penis trumps however many he kills the next time he goes off his meds. I know this because Joe the Plumber said so.


The fact that multiple individuals called the police, and 12 officers were subsequentially tied up with this geezer for dog knows how many hours tells me open carry is a horrible idea. How long were they dealing with this dillhole, and how much did that cost taxpayers?


And if this were a black man, would he be alive today?


Houseman refused to comply with requests that he put the rifle down and talk to the officers.

Open carry or not, this is just plain nuts. Not the guy necessarily - but that officers had to repatedly “request” that he put down the gun and talk. REALLY???
I’ve seen where police with taze you if you don’t get down on the ground when they tell you the first time. And the person doesn’t even have to have a gun on them in the first place.

These gunnuts have taken over. Police seem to be scared of confronting them - probably for fear of violating their constitutional right to be a militia or something.
Just wait til a group of Black men excercise their right to open carry. Should be interesting to see the change in public reactions.

Oh and the guy got his gun back. The next day. Perfect.


Nuts! But I didn’t know you could get your penis up onto your shoulder like that. Guess I am just not that endowed.


Yep, sick shit…coming soon to a town near you.


So the open carry nuts are enabling the out-and-out nuts. Good to know. I can’t believe what we’ve come to.


cap that fuker.


Obviously everything is fine here. The NRA/Gun Toters are selective in who they allow in their ranks and nothing bad will ever come of these ever more frequent demonstrations of open carry “rights.”


I’m amazed he wasn’t arrested. And I guess I’m even more amazed he wasn’t shot. You can get in much more trouble for having an out-of-date registration on your car. But the real point is this is the nut-job fringe who want to carry and stockpile ammo and have their guns at the ready when someone rings their doorbell to sell Girl Scout cookies. These are the nut-job types who buy guns in the first place when they’re told Obama will take all the guns away if you don’t arm yourself to fight off the tyranny now. The hysterical rhetoric matters and this is why.


What a dumbass.


Enabling? You mean you can tell the difference?

I think there was a point where the police basically saw them in a pretty benign way. Not “patriots” but more along the line of “they know what they’re doing.”

After the Millers decided to mow down 2 cops in Las Vegas just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I have a feeling LEO’s aren’t feeling so sanguine anymore. More like the bullseye on their foreheads just got larger.

And from WHITE people. no less!


QUESTION: What would you call these words if they came from a black man?

“I hate you motherfucker, Fuck you I hate you, there’s a revolution coming…I can threaten you if I want to…I can threaten you. I can threaten you’re family.”

ANSWER: His last words.


“Open carry” has turned into “open season.”

It’s society, itself, that’s being hunted.


What do you think the cops would have done if the EXACT SAME THING happened, but the guy with the gun was…BLACK.
He’d be dead faster than you could say: KKK.
And, boy-howdy they would have “found drug paraphernalia” on his bullet-riddled corpse, eventually.


Sure. Open carry nuts open carry. But if the cops roll up and you start grabbing your crotch and yelling cusses, you’ve now graduated to out-and-out nut status.


The more I see these episodes, the more I wonder if these people would be going around asserting their constitutional rights, in this case in quite an odd way, if there was less senseless rhetoric coming from the usual gun-o-phobics.

Thank goodness we have police forces that in the vast majority of the cases are capable of handling these situations with a grain of salt.