Discussion for article #233821
Not so racial. Black hair-trigger cop, black decedent apparently.
Got a bit racial when the foul-mouthed African-American narrator called the uniformed killer a “sell-out” for killing an (unarmed?) black man. The accusation rang out that the dead man had no gun. Cops had been hectoring about a gun - dunno. 5 gunshot reports heard.
Deeply appalling. Does this ever get better?
Can not watch.
I would hope someday that we decide to have a few fewer wars, start soaking the rich, and use some of the money to help the indigent rather than just executing them on the streets.
Totally inept training - the police did not control the scene, could not keep the peace - losing their weapons. WTF. This is systemic. Train them to keep the peace, minimize violent confrontation, instead of prepping them for inner city warfare.
Thank you, Carlos, and amen.
As always its about incompetent unstable cops. Black, white, red, green . . .
Did you see the way they lost their clubs? Keystone bastards.
Because the guy didn’t have it bad enough in life living on the streets. The cops had to find a way to shoot him.
What were there, something like 6 cops to one dude and the cops claim that they couldn’t handle it? I wonder where all of the stray bullets wound up?
“Drop the gun!” is Police code for: “I’m going to murder you now.”
I have looked at this video 8 times, including start stop at all the critical points in the video 3 times. Unless there is some other evidence that the police want to produce to the contrary, this was pure and simple murder. The yelling, “Drop the gun, drop the gun.” is made by a police officer who was in no position to see the dead man’s hands to see if the dead man really took a gun from a police officer or not. You can see the cop’s mouth move in time to the yelling, “Drop the gun, drop the gun.” The cop already has his gun drawn before he ever starts yelling.
Until the management of all of these police departments that murder civilians, unarmed civilians, particularly, are summarily fired and a national register set up with their names in it that precludes them from ever holding any type of police officer position, this will continue to happen. I don’t fault the cop at the scene so much as the management of the LAPD. Unless and until the senior and middle management of these police departments are held accountable for this, this will continue and become more frequent. This is a gross lack of training, testing of candidate’s psychological fitness for police work and tacit approval of these unwarranted murders by middle and upper management of the police department, wherever it may be…LA, Seattle, New York, Ferguson, etc.
If the police are going to try and make the case that there are too many guns on the street and they have to immediately go to lethal force, then they should have to resign their membership in the NRA. The NRA is chiefly responsible for the plethora of guns on the street, as the NRA is simply an advertising arm of the gun manufacturers. They also should be required to insist that the wingnut judges on the Supreme Court be impeached and removed from office so that law that was on the books for 200 years can be restored to it’s proper place, i.e. controlling law.
Cops that have questionable murders of civilians on their records need to wear special uniforms. Like bright orange with their badge number across their backs.
At least this way, the public would have a little more of a fighting chance by knowing who the trigger happy cops were in advance. Or maybe a beanie boy spinner on their hats which seems quite apropos.
How are cops unable to cuff and restrain a tasered person?