Discussion: Vendor Sells "Official Runnin' N***** Target" At South Dakota Gun Show

Thank you Thunder Hawk, I’ll see too if I or some one else can find a name for this trash . He should never be allowed to sell anything at any gun show or gun shop for that matter.

I daydream that somewhere in the Supreme Court Conference room, someone is on the white board keeping track of how many such incidents there have been since that recent Racial Equality ruling.They come back in session and reverse their disastrous decision. did I mention this was a daydream?

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Aside from the fact that it is blatantly racist, it also is the worst drawing I’ve ever seen. It looks like someone drew duck lips and a witch’s nose on a silhouette of the Fonz. Has this guy ever even seen a black person before?!

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There’s so many snarky jokes I could make, but sometimes I just can’t bring myself to say anything. . . .

I mean, this guy said it all when he boasted about selling 500 of them, and that quip about blacks vs negroes. . . .



Isn’t it interesting how right-wing tea-baggers and Republicans bring out the best in people?

This vendor will think he won that argument.

The word on the target was “NIGGER,” not “N****r.”

Something as vile as that should be written out, not tiptoed around. And the motherfucker who sold them out to get a visit from eight or ten of the largest, meanest black persons available. It would be especially sweet if one of them riffs on Samuel L. Jackson’s “Say ‘what’ again!” line, substituting the (in)appropriate word.

Where do I get targets with ignorant, fat, honkies in motorized wheelchairs?

I’ve been saying for years that the #1 reason white conservatives love buying up guns and ammunition so much is their fantasy of murdering minorities at will. It’s what’s always in their heads when they dream up these scenarios where they’d need dozens of guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

The dirty secret of these 2nd Amendment nuts is that they really only want these gun rights of WHITE PEOPLE. Imagine the response of law enforcement if a bunch of black and middle eastern Americans paraded around town brandishing their legal firearms.

“To who? Are you a negro?” the vendor said. “You know there’s some black people and then there’s some negroes.”

You just know this guy wanted to say ni(CLANG!) SOOOOO bad.

Chris Rock used to say that during his stand up routine but he eventually stopped. He probably got it from him.

I’ve been searching, but nothing yet.
Here’s the racist fuck’s image.

He’ll be surrounded by dolts who think he made a strong statement for vahyues or some malarkey.

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Going to play the race card? Going to play the race card?

When the target says "Official Running N****r Target, that card has been played. By a racist asshole who I’m ashamed to recognize as a US citizen.

Oh, way to stay classy, gun-nuts…

But, but! Jesse and Al!, Reverend Wright!

The shirt says it all.

David, I was being facetious.

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Americans are why America can’t have nice things.

Let the South Dakota chapter of New Black Panther Right to Carry handle it.

Aw heck, he’s jes’ a good ol’ boy havin’ fun. He ain’t got nuthin’ aginst kneegrows.