Just think, this guy isn’t uncomfortable being thought of as a racist fool for $50.
This is news-worthy? Meanwhile TPM continues it’s radio silence concerning the TPP trade deal, which will be a disaster for American workers and well as take away the sovereignty of the nations who sign on in favor of corporate controlled “courts”. Forget raising the minimum wage if this goes through, or health warnings on dangerous products, as then the government could be sued for “lost profits” from such a move. Already happened in Egypt under a similar trade deal, and Germany for deciding to get rid of nukes.
I’m in.
No name of vendor???
Good one. Just think of the outrage if someone did make a target with say, a klan member on it, or a NRA member, or just a redneck. Could you imagine how white people would react? “See, we told you they’re out to get us.” “I thought you blacks/liberals/progressives (fill in any group) were against stuff like this?” “It’s okay for us to do it, and you are not to get offended, but if you do something like this, then we become highly offended.” I would especially love it if a black police officer, perhaps even a black, woman police officer showed up at a gun show with targets that showed racists rednecks as targets, I am talking about pictorial renderings; shooting racist rednecks for real only makes more of them–just like ISIS.
Yet another data point supporting Chief Justice Roberts’ assertion that we are now in a post-racial society.
And the target obviously represents a fraudulent voter that just stole a “Real American’s” vote.
It reminds me of neo-Nazi material I’ve seen. I think they just copied the nose from their Jewish caricatures.
Please chant this, then go look it up.
Oh, and no, you don’t get to choose TOPIC (once you go look it up and know what it means), TOPIC is chosen by people who pay to keep this site up.
You’re welcome.
The shows organizers will put in a strongly worded instruction that “All racist literature must be sold only from beneath the table from now on and not put out on display!”
Is that Tom Cotton on the left?
Amen. He seems proud of his beliefes, give him some publicity.
The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled: Racism is dead. Therefore, there’s nothing to see here and this is not news. Move along.
“The gun show’s organizer, Bob Campbell, said he was “disgusted” by the vendor’s attempt to sell the racist targets.”
Hey Bob and you too Daethal Dockter, a member of the gun show’s board of directors, how did you miss it in the 1st place. Walking around at a trade show is you know … walking around at a trade show. 500 rednecks found this vendor’s booth. I guess you two missed it.
That gun show video is exactly what you’d think a gun show in South Dakota would look like. And I’m not at all surprised that these targets have surfaced.
Hey Finn, if you’re looking for news you ain’t gonna find it here. Well sometimes you will but news on our ongoing invasions, occupations, assassinations, the economy, unemployment, war on poverty, inequality, labor movement, etc, you will not find it here. It’s a fun site but stays away from important stuff for the most part. And as you’ve been instructed, stay on topic!
Because shooting black people or “n***ers” that are running is soooo fun!
And I love how people are using that Chris Rock stand up bit about “…there are black people and then there are…” I’ve seen it used by right wingers as a defense to why it’s OK to use the n word. It’s their way of saying they aren’t referring to Black people. But make no mistake, they are.
Bet this target sells out even faster now. Seems there is a market for this type of thing.
I’m sure the organizer of the show was shocked SHOCKED that someone, somewhere was selling this kind of vile crap.
More likely, he was annoyed that the damn media pointed it out.
If you don’t think this is newsworthy, why did you click on the story, and then take the time to post a comment?
Maybe a way to show your dissatisfaction with TPM stories that aren’t newsworthy is, to, you know, not CLICK AND POST ON THEM.
How long did it take them to boot the racist,bigot?
People forget that that little thing called “voting” helps place responsible political leaders in positions so that there doesn’t have to be a panic or rally every few days. Especially since one party (Republican) is absolutely dedicated to making it look as though Franklin Roosevelt and all people-related legislation passed before 1980 never happened.
And I am close to finally tossing in the towel on getting through to people that taking one day every two years to VOTE is worth more than 500 rallies and 100,000 emails begging for “action”.