Discussion: Vandals Spray-Paint 'Jesus' On 2 Southern California Mosques

Discussion for article #243740

I wonder if that qualifies as talking the Lords ( or at least His Son’s ) name in vain? You gotta love Jesus to use his name to vandalize…


Vandals for Christ, the latest LA street gang.

I guess these morons don’t realize that Jeebus is pretty high in the muslim faith too?


Investigators determined the device was a plastic replica of a hand grenade.


JC has a not insignificant place in Islam …


Yea but to these guys if he’s not numero uno with you, you’re just as bad as those that mock him.

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I’m sure they also think he’s some kind of “fakeJeebus” when Muslims revere him, just as they promote this nonsensical idea that MuslimGawd isn’t the same gawd that christians and jews worship.

Even though being abahamic faiths all, it’s impossible for it NOT to be the same invisible sky daddy.

Christianist terrorism yet again. This is mild compared to what god itself does to people who rub it the wrong way. Here are a few notable examples:

Man who touches the ark of the covenant (in order to save it from falling) is killed by god.
Pregnant women anger the just and loving god so it has them (and their unborn) butchered by thugs
Mankind makes god mad: it drowns everyone but NoahCo.
Pharaoh makes god mad: god kills innocent first born Egyptians (and much livestock)

Yes, the mighty, petulant, jealous, vengeful, petty, god of Mike Huckabee indeed uses stark terror to make its point.

Merry Holidays to believers everywhere. May peace and bloodshed remain your watchwords.


et cum spiritu tuo.