Discussion: Utah Restores Firing Squad Even Though Guv Thinks It's 'A Little Bit Gruesome'

Discussion for article #234629

The Governor added, “This is merely a stop gap measure until the Great Utah Colosseum can be completed and the requisite number of lions are appropriated. THEN we can do it right!”


The other alternative? Let Mormon (the second “m” is silent) missionaries into the death house to bore the perpetrator to death.


“gruesome” and “barbaric,”

Though several state legislators did ask if aliens could lay eggs in the condemned then feed on their corpse after hatching…

“We’ve had it before, and I know it’s a little bit gruesome and
certainly looks a little bit barbaric,” he said. “But as we hear from
medical personnel, it’s probably not a bad way to die if you believe in
capital punishment.”

So, you signed a bill to increase the barbarity of your state. Are you willing to fire the gun yourself, Gary? What’s that you say? It’s too barbaric for you? Suck it up, Governor, you signed the fucking bill, you should lead by firing the gun yourself.


Last few people executed by firing squad were killed by Utah – it has a special history there, in part because it is seen as more moral to shed blood that way by the Mormon Church. Oklahoma and Wyoming also has it as a back-up method of some sort, I think – again, it’s both a Western & Mormon thing.

Yeah, because it’s not a bad way to die if you believe in capital punishment. Of course, so would shoving a hand grenade in their mouth. To enhance their training, K-9 units can be brought in to do the cleanup. What the fuck’s the difference, eh?

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A little bit, guv? Its fucking Medieval.

Not quite. Now, if they were drawn, hanged, and quartered, their head stuck on a pike in front of the state capitol building, and their body parts put on display in the town squares of the other major Utah cities, that would be medieval.

Oh crap, I might have just given them ideas…


The death penalty is an abomination. However, many Americans embrace the notion that revenge is a good thing.

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“But as we hear from medical personnel, it’s probably not a bad way to die if you believe in capital punishment.”

Just a little more banality of evil, Governor; and could you also give us a little more glib on the side.


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Honestly, if I had to choose between botched lethal injection and firing squad, I’d take the latter.

WRT the barbarity, all executions are barbaric, and are seen that way throughout the developed world. Maybe all those with a hard on for state murder ought to take the hint: you can’t get lethal injection drugs anymore because the whole idea of state murder is widely seen as disgusting.

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Life without parole is cheaper, less barbaric, and reversible if the prisoner is later proven innocent. And it does not involve the creepy association with volunteer wannabe murderers.


Tough call. Frankly, the whole kabuki theater of “humanely” killing someone has always struck me as more for the benefit of the people carrying out the murder (i.e., us and the rest of society) than the person being murdered. It makes us feel better about doing something so heinous, especially with all the questions that exist about how accurate the entire process is in the first place, what with all the proof that the death penalty is handed out disproportionately to minorities and the litany of cases where the murdered convict is posthumously exonerated. It’s tempting to think that perhaps the horror of knowing that they’d be sending someone to a firing squad will make jurors think a little harder about issuing the death penalty in the first place. Of course, once you factor in the people we’re talking about here…fucking Utah…that may not be the case, particularly if the convict is a minority. The whole thing just highlights the FACT that the death penalty is wrong and that our imperfect justice system is not fit for making the decision that someone’s life must be taken by the state.


I don’t think they’ve thought this thing through. I mean the NRA tells me that guns don’t kill people.

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Dead is dead. Better this than the sanitized lethal injection bullshit. If it makes death penalty proponents squirm, that’s a good thing. It’s the death penalty itself that’s barbaric, not the specific mechanism of death.

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I say Guillotine… better than an missed sword/axe swing as in Saudi. Think of the spectacle.


Exactly. But if you deploy the guillotine you have to promise me you’ll start with Jamie Dimon.


It is the death penalty – capital punishment – which is barbaric and gruesome, not the means by which it is carried out.

Personally, I think if a state wants to go this route, they should go old-school. Take the condemned and have them torn apart limb-from-limb by horses. Or have the executioner lop off their heads or disembowel them with hooks.

Then broadcast that shit on TV. With every station required by law to show it. With giant TVs set up on every street corner, so that every citizen can see what is being done in their name.

Sure, some psychopaths will enjoy what they see. But the majority? People tolerate it only because they never see it happening, never see the horror of a human life being ended violently right before their very eyes.

There is no such thing as humane capital punishment. It’s long past time people were forced to confront this.

Heck, why not just go with the old guillotine. It’s quick, probably relatively painless, and efficient. Or maybe hanging, since that doesn’t usually spill too much blood. Or…speaking of blood, why not simply hook them up and drain them. They would gradually go to sleep, and the blood bank can use the donation. Sounds like a winner to me…assuming you believe that killing people because they killed people somehow makes sense.