Discussion: Utah Postpones School Science Standards Over Qualms About Climate change, Local Input

Discussion for article #233044

Where do these mo-fo’s come from? They must pop up out of some sinkhole that connects to the bowels of the earth.

Please, Utah, West Virgina and other sates of their ilk do us all a favor and secede. And the rest of us should let them go. Trust me, they’re not worth fighting over; they’re why we can’t have nice things. We should accept any and all refugees with open arms, rehouse them and find them jobs.

They could name their new country Freedumbia, elect Louis Gomert and Mike Huckabee as president and vice-president, repespectively and make Donald Trump the Secretary of State.

I am so done with these bog-people!

PS. And all the citizens of Freedumbia would be required to own shitloads of guns and weapons including at least one 120mm recoil-less howitzer and each border entrance would be surmounted by a 250 meter tall statue of Jesus wearing camo fatigues, brandishing a AR-15 assault rifle, one leg raised, stomping on a giant marble depiction of Darwin’s “The Origin Of Species”.


I can just imagine when these kids try to get jobs or respect and they can’t get either because of a substandard education.


Well, you’ll see this stop when kids from certain states start getting blackballed from being hired because they think things like “the earth is 6,000 years old.”

Anecdotally, I remember a guy who was four-square for charter schools. He was completely dismissive of the public school system…until he got his charter school and it refused to teach evolution to his daughter. Suddenly he was at EVERY meeting saying “I did not take my daughter out of public schools so she could get a substandard education.” It was hilarious to watch.


“That is true with global warming, that is true with Darwinian evolution and a number of other things,” he said. “It’s not a science class in these areas. It’s an indoctrination class.”

What about with the solar system? That’s what I want to know. Do the standards properly “teach the controversy” or do they indoctrinate our children with the cruel hoax that the earth races around the sun at a ridiculous 67,000 mph? (Better buckle your seatbelts if you buy into “orbits” and the rest of the planetary motion alarmism.)


If you really want to understand the root cause of this, simply replace the word “state” with “LDS Church” in each instance. You’ll then understand what’s going on in Utah.

Local input is critical, because it’s a well-known fact that neither climate change nor evolution have ever occurred in Utah.


"complained about lack of parental input "

Are these parents biologists? What standing do they have in the scientific community?

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JoHN SMith PROVEd there IS NO GlOBAL wARMING beCAUSE it wasn"T meNTIONed on anY oF the goLDEN PLATEs he FOUnd and, wITH The HELP of MORONI and A seer-stONE, was ABLE to TRANSLATE and BRiNG this AWESOme reLIGion to US ALL!1!1!one!!!1!!!

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Woah. Dial it back, brother. Your preachings are inconsistent with my belief that the Sun rotates around the Earth (which is flat by the way).

No climate change? I wonder what the ski resorts of Utah think of that as they suffer one of their worst snow years.


No, no, no. Utah is home to some of the best scenery, landscape and recreation in the World. It would be better for all the Mormons and other conservative fuckwits to move to Kansas or Oklahoma, two states that are already so far down the rat hole that couple million more fellow travelers wouldn’t even be noticed.


“It’s not a science class in these areas. It’s an indoctrination class.”

Item #3,486,725 illustrating just how thoroughly the Republican Party has become a Christianist theocratic party controlled by proudly ignorant science- and education-hating redneck halfwits.

Or, to use the immortal words of former GA Congressman Paul Broun: “God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell… It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior. You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I don’t believe that the earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.”

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and claimed that the standards took a position on climate change and evolution

Well, duh … settled science.

That whole sentence was disturbing that it is still be uttered and given any credence in the 21st century.

Yeah, coz there’s definitive evidence that golden plates that require special glasses to read are infallible. Except that no one can find either one.

@theghostofeustacetilley - dammit, you beat me to it!

Except that the Mormons are fully on board with evolution. BYU, somewhat surprisingly, puts out quite a lot of high-level evolutionary research. Just don’t go there for anthropology.

The Utah Teachers Association supports the standards, but parents were worried that the state used the standards drafted by national experts without much state input.

Because all politics science is local.