Discussion: Utah Officials Seemingly Alter Details In Account Of Darrien Hunt Shooting

Can I have a little more information about this sword we are talking about? Was it a real sword? Toy sword? Cutlass, samurai, what?

Believe it or not, it makes a big difference. If he was running toward a crowd with a real samurai sword, I would expect the cops to shoot him, even if he was running away from the cops.

I believe the same if you had a white guy running toward a school with an AR15 strapped to his back. You put that guy down before he can cause real mayhem.

So I am withholding judgement here until we get a little more information. But I have to admit, having a gun or a sword in your hands, makes you a risk, and it is hard to be upset if you get put down. It isn’t like he had his hands up or anything.

Haven’t kept up on this story, but did the cops just get busted telling a fib after the man was shown to be shot in the back? Now are they backtracking to fit the autopsy results?

One thing that’s consistent with all these police abuse stories is that the cops claim that the victim of their shooting was trying to lung at, or butt heads, or grab their service pistol leading to the rationale to use deadly force. I don’t buy any of it. Too many excuses, all seemingly involving black men. Its convenient, but its still bullshit.


Don’t police almost always claim that someone who changes their story is guilty?


You are right, the Guardian doesn’t have Page 3 girls. But it does try to find the weeks most scantily clad Karadshian and give her a 3/4 page print up on the front page. The Page 3 girls was a general comment about how the newspapers have largely kept above water by selling sex. And it isn’t just page 3, there are the page 6 girls, and then the ones that are unique to smaller papers. Hell, even the free paper on the Southwest Trains lines has at least one half naked woman per issue.

The Guardian does do some good reporting. But about 3/4 of what it publishes is utter crap. I notice their top video headline right now is “Stephen Colbert supports Scottish Independence” based on what he said on the show! That is quality reporting right there.

So, basically, you’re saying they filter out all the anti-American tripe and Kardashians (a good thing) and all the scantily clad non-Kardashian soft porn (bad!) and serve the remainder up to us over the pond types, creating the false impression that they’re actually a real news organization. Good to know. Kind of puts that whole Greenwald thing into perspective as well.

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Unholy lawsuits are about to follow.

The police say whatever the hell they want because they can.
WE LET THEM! Nothing ever changes.

Time to get into the independent M.E. business. The ROI will be slow but business is (-ahem-) booming.

No, the one with his hands up was the one in Ferguson.

I think that’s when they are being interrogated under oath.

“…Hunt had been shot from behind…”

You can say it. He was shot in the back.

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And the cop shoots to kill because then he is the only witness to the incident and can say what he wants without looking incompetent, frightened or just wrong.

As soon as the police change a vital part of the story because the evidence shows otherwise we’re left to wonder what else in the story isn’t true. Sadly, we immediately assume…and with good cause…that whatever the story it’s likely not remotely true and it’s purely cover-up. If the police find that offensive perhaps they shouldn’t lie in the first place. Another sad tale where a body camera would save everybody a whole lot of problems.

What exactly is the position that doesn’t get you shot dead? Hands up doesn’t work we know, running away brings excessive force too.
Presuming that you are going to get shot to death is a wise move because guessing wrong ends your options.

The problem is the cops, they have become so gun obsessed that they don’t see the simple options. Ask yourself, are the petty criminals getting worse or the are the cops?