Discussion: Utah GOPer Issues Amazingly Candid Apology For Calling NAACP Racist

Like every other Republican “sorry not sorry” apology, this has become such a trend of the right, that I believe such behavior is actually a strategy for them. Someone should send him a dictionary so that he’d know what racism really is.

It’s not like this goober misspoke in a private conversation, which would still get him the Sterling treatment, he decided to put his racially tinged comments out for the world to see. He doesn’t have a billion dollar team to lose but he does have his cushy government job to worry about. Apparently he wasn’t bright enough to keep his pie-hole and twitter fingers quiet until he realized that other people could hear him, not just his racist pals.

I think his apology is all about saving his own butt and paycheck, which if he’s lucky, it will. He already showed his gut, like Sterling, and denying what he is after the fact doesn’t pass the smell test.

Utah state Rep. David Lifferth ® is another outed racist who is sorry that he let everyone know.

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Wait – What are you saying?!

– ill bred, malformed (foot-in-mouth) and malnourished (too many ‘gluttonized’ white-crackers).

I have to give some credit where it’s due, at least his apology doesn’t read like one of those ridiculous ‘If I offended anybody I’m sorry’ non-apologies that these people normally trot out on these occasions.


I’m with you. He really apologized. That he stated he learned a lot was what did it for me.

In this case: anti-racist.

This is how the GOP works. Say “what you really think” for your base, then wink at them and apologize to the traditional media. Your base know’s your one of them, and the traditional media will let the center right think “he’s not that bad, he just made a mistake…”.

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