Discussion: Utah Diocese: 'Bleeding' Communion Wafer Caused By Mold, Not A Miracle

Discussion for article #243905

It doesn’t qualify as a miracle unless you can see an image of caucasian Jeebus.

I firmly believe that many so-called “miracles” throughout history were the result of molds. Specifically, the ergot fungus which commonly forms in stores of wheat, and which LSD is made from. Many people experience “finding God” while high on psychedelics, and the Indigenous people all over the world use psychedelic plants to tap into the spirit world.


Of all the “miracles” god could have performed, say healing the sick or bringing someone back from the dead, some folks believed instead he had nothing better to do so he chose to make a wafer, that’s supposedly jesus’s flesh and blood after a priest prays over it, bleed just enough to make some water turn red… holy shit, literally!

They appointed a committee. Really. For mold. That’s on par with the sacred eternal BENGHAZI committee! Well, close anyway. Jesus only rose from the dead once, and the BENGHAZI committee seems to return again, and again, and again…

Doesn’t the hope many of these people had that it really was blood indicate something rather disturbing about possible cannibalism fantasies?