Discussion: US Suspends Crossings At Key Border Port As Some Migrants Approach Fence

Before everyone blames Trump or the GOP, remember they have no power without the support of a base that absolutely LOVES this.


From International Law and Terrorism:

  1. What legal theory is the U.S. relying upon to justify the use of force against terrorists?

Self-defense. In its joint resolution authorizing the use of force, Congress noted that the attacks of 11 September “render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad” in order “to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States.”

Trump has already laid the groundwork about the threat to national security posed by the criminals and Middle Eastern terrorists in the caravan. “Many Gang Members and some very bad people are mixed into the Caravan heading to our Southern Border. This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!”

@pmm080 @tiowally @k_in_va


Violation of international law by the USA. Shocking.


What would ICE do if a Mexican soldier or policeman shot back?

Do we start a shooting war with Mexico because Fat Donny can’t get his way with funding for a wall?

What’s next? Do we attack Quebec because they speak French?


What I don’t understand is that the Honduras/Guatemalan “caravan” would have been headed to Texas as it was the shortest route. Now, it seems more caravans have materialized and are coming to San Diego. I’ve never heard what happened to the original one that got tRumps knickers in a twist.

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Was it really BP who pulled the trigger or a soldier? I want an investigation by the Dems. If a soldier pulled that trigger we have a major constitutional crisis and the Posse Comitatus Act is at stake…and THAT…is too important a check on Commander in Chief power to go unanswered…vehemently.


I think so too -


God dammit! I am so tired of this game-playing with peoples lives and the deliberate cruelty to children. What possible rationale is there for closing the border? They’ve been doing it for months. Did they think the refugees would disappear if they closed their eyes and sang “la la la I can’t hear you”?

The only people who can stop this are us. We need our combined outrage to force Congress to do their jobs. Nov 6 was a good start, but we can’t rest there.

www.faxzero.com will let you email five Congresspersons a day for free. (H/T @tiowally) I usually start with my reps and then move on to the members of relevant committees. In this case - homeland security and maybe also foreign relations.


To answer your question: probably violence.

Mueller won’t be enough. Fascism has only one break pedal and that is overwhelming retaliation.


Oh, I’ve got enough anger to go around. I blame ‘em all.


Trump is creating a crisis and using the destitute refugees as a pretext to void asylum laws. Trump also seeks to distract from the upcoming Mueller indictments and issuance of the report.

Trump is acting as all authoritarian leaders do, except I hope courts figure it out and stop it.


We are not the Great White Father, here to fix the problems that Honduras has created for itself with over-population, gangs, and terrible land policy.

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I believe that the caravan detoured towards what they perceived to be the safest port of entry. They are refugees. They aren’t trying to sneak in, they are seeking safety for their families. They want to speak to border patrol so they can apply for asylum.


Again that obese, deviant piece of excrement has embarrassed the USA. He fired on another Country. This will not be good.


Will the death of a child with asthma from tear gas or a baby crushed in the stampede to escape the fumes be tallied as the death of an enemy combatant by Trump? I expect him to proudly keep a tally of the dead, men, women, and children, to show his strength in defending our borders. And I have no doubt there will be casualties. Not in my name!


Thanks for that. Just saw an article that said after Mexico City they were going to a safer crossing in San Diego. I wouldn’t have chosen that entry point, but… Lots of legal crossings in Texas and Arizona.


A thousand things to say, many with NSFW warnings. But I will just leave it at the man is not worthy of inclusion in the species. Human Head Cheese.


Our core values, our foundational principles and our moral stature as a society to defend and promote them, packed tight into a neat little canister and fired at the least among us, only to dissipate and drift away on the wind forever, poisoning and choking all they contact after their long fermentation POOF. This is what and who we are now…bereft of a social contract and unifying baseline principles, without rudder, directionless, adrift in a maelstrom of fear and avarice, the whirlpool’s event horizon nearing. Mutiny is not an option, but a moral imperative and existential necessity.


Dear Global Elite - I realize money is wonderful. It is the third most wonderful thing on the planet.
But when you destabilize countries, then you get a LOT of IDP’s that wander around destabilizing other countries. Perhaps you can check your greed long enough to put some effort into making sure that evil dictators are not propped up by your money.
R. Hortense Corvidae


This country was settled by Europeans and Asians, who were running away from all kinds of bad situations - the Irish were fleeing starvation, the Jews fled pogroms. We were always about solving their goddam problems by giving them a new start and here we are - their descendants. It is our duty as the descendants of people just like the people trying to get here from Central America to let them in and help them start over. We all come from the same situation. Every last one of us who isn’t Native American