Discussion: US Says Immigrant Separated From Family Died Of 'Apparent Suicide' In Texas Jail

The bloody fruit of racial hatred and nativism. Stephen Miller should be so proud.


Yesterday I posted this at WaPo when I read the story:

Imagine you are holding your three-year-old son in your arms, accompanied by your wife, and you approach someone asking for asylum to escape unfathomable violence and hostility in your homeland.

In response, someone in a uniform, with a gun, wrests your child from your arms and takes you away from them. You don’t know where they are now, or what is happening to them – only that you cannot protect them.

This makes me heartsick.

The first reply was:

You can always move.

The second was:

Do not enter America illegally…problem solved.

I am more heartsick.


If you want to talk about a special place in Hell, it’s reserved for people who allow these things to happen. I no longer recognize this country. If we’re no longer capable of recognizing and honoring each other’s divine spark of humanity, maybe we’re too far gone.


I’m right there with you. This is just so sad. There is blood and more on the hands of this Administration. May 45 and his people all rot in hell.


If this is part of MAGA, I don’t want any damned part of it!


The sheriff’s office said he didn’t show any mental health problems

I’m sure having his family torn away from him — kidnapped — and being helpless to do anything about it had nothing to do with his mental state.

After all, to paraphrase America’s second greatest humanitarian Gen. John Kelly, “It happens every day in the United States. His family will be taken care of — put into foster care or whatever.”

“The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”
— Joseph Stalin, new American Idol Ideal


Why were they described as “entering illegally”?
If the family crossed at the border station and requested asylum, how is that illegal?


I didn’t want this, and I couldn’t oppose it more, and I want it to end now, and I wish I didn’t feel so guilty and ashamed.


No doubt this is the result of the warm hospitality Mr. Munoz received from Customs and Border Protection and the generous welcome of Texas authorities. Clearly this had nothing to do with their inhumane practice of breaking up families and imprisoning them.

Seriously though, “According to the report, jail officers said Munoz became combative during the booking process and was restrained and placed in a padded cell overnight.” I would like to know how many of these C&BP officers, and Texas LEA officers would not become “combative” if they found themselves being forcefully separated from their family – spouse and children – by a bunch of strong arm storm troopers?

In my view, these practices constitute “Crime Against Humanity,” just as was when similar “enforcements” were conducted by the NAZIs. The perpetrators and officers who imposed this policy and carry it out should, at the very least, be referred to The Hague for prosecution. This includes Trump, Sessions, Kirstjen Nielsen, Kelly and the whole corrupt gang in D.C.


Trump, the republicans and their policies are driving people crazy. I predict that there will be a day when people stop feeling helpless and turn against them with the same amount of violence as they now have desperation. Not advocating it, just predicting.


If you are a Republican it simply means one less immigrant to deal with.

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Yeah sure, prisoner beat himself to death while handcuffed, happens all the time in jail cells all over Texas, the deep South and let’s not forget Chicago.

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Because AP?


Barring a dozen or so school shootings, this is the saddest news since election night. Heartsick is well put and, yet, an understatement. Trump - the turd that won’t quit stinking. Dry up and blow away, already - your party sure has.


The “people”-and I can’t even call them that-these animals behind these replies, are fiends. They are inhuman fiends.

Yeah, “Whatever” you stupid old Fuck. I hope I see the day when you are covered in tumors.

Probably a major case of CYA … but then, didn’t Hair Furor and/or Beauregard say they weren’t going to allow asylum cases either?

“disruptive and combative.”
I would like to know how the person who used these words would respond in the same situation.
Abolish ICE

Strangely , in another report , he was found shot and strangled in his cell .