Discussion: US Imports Fish Caught By Thai Slaves As Forced Labor Ban Goes Unenforced

Discussion for article #235531

“Oh, we just realized the US government should do something about slavery providing the food in our supermarkets. We’ve know about it for years, of course, but it just occurred to us there might be some problem with it. Because fish is big money – sorry, I meant very important to trade relations.”

Yeah, right.

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What about China? I always check sea food for point of origin and China seems to be stamped on most.

Here’s what the CIA says about China’s slaves (I suspect it is much worse)

China is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor; Chinese adults and children are forced into prostitution and various forms of forced labor, including begging and working in brick kilns, coal mines, and factories; women and children are recruited from rural areas and taken to urban centers for sexual exploitation, often trafficked by criminal syndicates or gangs; state-sponsored forced labor continues to be an area of serious concern; Chinese men, women, and children also may be subjected to conditions of sex trafficking and forced labor worldwide, particularly in overseas Chinese communities; women and children are trafficked to China from neighboring countries, as well as Europe and Africa, for forced labor and prostitution
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