Discussion: US Catholic Bishops Group Condemns Trump's Termination Of DACA Program

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Give it up guys Trump is lost to you, but how about you direct your ire towards one of your own, Eddy Munster aka Paul Ryan? He has shown is disdain for working and listening to the nuns, it’s time to send in God’s Male Squad.


You bet that the Catholic priesthood is against the doing away with DACA. I removes targets for their sex abuse. Sad

Like Trump or his supporters care?


Wow. Very strong language. Hey Trump - they are implicitly calling your action historic.

“Today’s actions represent a heartbreaking moment in our history that shows the absence of mercy and good will, and a short-sighted vision for the future,” they said. “We strongly urge Congress to act and immediately resume work toward a legislative solution. We pledge our support to work on finding an expeditious means of protection for DACA youth.”

Just not in a good way to be thought of historic. In a “absence of mercy and good will,” and in a “short-sighted vision for the future” way. Hint. That is really BAD, Donnie. Not the way to get your ugly mug on Mount Rushmore. But maybe you are aiming for Stone Mountain instead.


You know who else was an undocumented immigrant who came to a foreign land as a child?

They should ask a good Catholic like Speaker Ryan.


tfw…even the Catholics think you’re reprehensible…


Just the beginning…
Every compassionate human being in the country will speak out about it
Only Trump and his 30% are happy.
Is this the thing that does it?
I doubt it as long as there are feckless douchebags in congress who still think that Donnie is the way to get their Koch inspired agenda through


With our current hostility to immigrants, it’s time to move the Statue of Liberty. One of Toronto’s islands might work, because, unlike the U.S., Canada is still open & welcoming to those seeking a better life.

Not that the U.S. can’t AFFORD it, it’s more a poverty of goodwill, a stinginess of spirit, a lack of empathy. We are destitute in imagination and a sense of our own history as immigrants & children of immigrants. Xenophobia, suspicion of those unlike us, and a chorus of “I’ve got mine” reign in America.

The lamp beside the golden door has just moved north.


The Compassion of Ryan is trying to save the Dreamers from suffering the same outcome.


But Trump’s swamp-dwelling base of Archie Bunker lookalikes LOVES this despicable action.


After spending 8 years bashing a true Christian in the WH and condemning HRC because of abortion, they now are concerned about what this phony christian Trump is doing. They are hypocrites.



Trump declares himself a Presbyterian, but then when speaking to leaders of the Presbyterian Church, he is unaware if they are even Christian.

So I am pretty sure the Catholic Church will have zero sway upon him.


C’mon man -

it’s gotta’ be tRump Mountain

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On Bullshit Mountain.


Indeed. Mercy’s bought with mercy. This showed none. Ergo, Trump and the GOP should get none.


I knew if I lived long enough I would experience one time that the Catholic Bishops were on the right side of a political issue.


They were on the right side of civil rights, but I’m old and still waiting for church to show mercy for women. Don’t think I’ll live long enough.


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on Tuesday condemned President Donald Trump’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Upon learning of this condemnation by the Catholic Bishops, Chiselin’ Trump asked, “Are they Christians?”


I’m afraid this really is “who we are.” Trump and the GOP was elected precisly to do these sorts of things. It’s going to be a horror show in many ways, but I see no way to stop it. Moreover, it appears that the GOP has or will shortly have a permanent hold on all branches of the federal government and most state governments. One more conservative SC justice oughta do it. For myself, the only real option is to leave this country behind.