Discussion for article #233545
Proceed. This should be funny.
Frack them.
Yeah, good luck with that.
And, while you’re at it, you might want to take a good look at Article IV of the US Constitution to realize how (nearly) impossible it would be to do this.
They can join the developing Protectorate of Koch, where slavery, child labor, 80-hour workweeks, and unlimited pollution to serve the Kochs are enforced. I understand the GOP Legislatures of close to 85% of the former Confederate States have already signed on.
You would think Libous would be focused on defending himself against the federal indictment he is under.
The one kind of secession the Constitution does mention and explicitly ban . . .
What if Pennsylvania doesn’t want your sorry asses? Then what are you going to do–become a separate country–Frackistan?
Kinda makes you scratch your head when folks want the the opportunity to dig or pump up nasty dangerous, environmentally degrading shit to work for peanuts in order to make boat loads of money for rich people who never put themselves at risk. I know, I come from a family of Welsh coalminers. But I still don’t understand it.
I dunno, must be correlated to whatever causes the same people to vote for the GOP.
These people are like impeachment nuts, believing that doing such an action means everything will work itself out magically and solves their problem.
They should look at South Texas where an environmental mess is being created, the roads are being beaten into gravel, rents are sky high, and the money is going elsewhere. The people will be holding the empty bag when this plays out in 20 years.
I live in Pennsylvania, thankfully not in the region known as “Pennsyltucky.” The numbers of jobs directly related to the introduction of natural gas fracking is very low. Most of the jobs go to experienced oil workers from Texas & Oklahoma. Traveling through the PA fracking areas, TX & OK plates are very common. Other than meals and some motel rents, most of the money earned goes back to those states through wages.
PA doesn’t want these NY yahoos, we have enough.
God damned ignorant bastards. Nuke 'em!
I guess they don’t love America.
The Southern Tier is desolate
so move, you idiot.
What’s going on here?
“After the one-two punch to our community from the recent casino and gas drilling decisions, my office received many emails, phone calls and messages from constituents calling for a Southern Tier secession from New York State,” Libous said in a statement to WBNG. “While getting my constituents’ opinion on spending the $5 billion surplus was our top priority, I thought a question on secession should also be included in the survey.”
Why is there no talk, at least in this article, about using some of this surplus for economic development in the area? The state’s investing in these counties surely would be a more-prudent, not to mention longer-term, solution to its problems than wanting an extractive industry that, as others have noted, will bring little money to the region and will stay only so long as the fields haven’t played out. So, am I missing something here?
Can we get Bucks County in trade? BTW, please take Staten Island with you.
Much of upstate northern NY attempted to secede and join VT in the 1780s.
Yes. you might be: unbridled capitalism, privatization of profits and socialization of risks and impacts, along with the maintenance of a docile, dependent work force.
? oF couRSE THEy DO, libTARD. tHEy’Re All WHiTE!1!!!one!!!