Discussion: University Severs Ties With Frat Chapter Caught Singing 'N***r' On Video

Discussion for article #234097

Now THAT is how you deal with it and send a message. About 24 hours to vacate the house? Brutal. Good for Boren.


Man, is it nice to imagine the grins getting wiped off the faces of those privileged little punks on that bus.


Yes I thought that was impressive also, considering the usual “I am sorry if we offended anyone”


Short, sharp, and I bet the little assholes are shocked.

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Wondering how soon the cries of how the frat members are the true victims in this and politicalcorrectnessFirst AmendmentConstitution will start…

Hey, wheres the kid that was kicked off Facebook. I’m sure he has a lot of smart things to say about this.


Does this mean there is a likelihood they’ll be kicked out of school as well?


There are some racists in Oklahoma who’re going to have a problem with this death sentence, although most of them have probably never set foot on the OU campus unless it was to attend a football game, but David Boren’s opinion carries a lot of weight in Oklahoma.


Thank God there are still decent people in Oklahoma.


I looked at Boren’s bio, and to my surprise I see he was a Democratic Governor of OK as well as Democratic Senator, and yet he was succeeded by the craziest guy in the Senate, Inhofe. How does this happen?


publish the membership list… let the future judge them.

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A colleague of mine earned her masters (and was ABD) at OU during Boren’s arrival. She freely admits that it wasn’t all that long ago that the U of Oklahoma was, as she phrased it, “a football team with a college,” but she’s truly proud of the emphasis on academics that Boren has brought with him. It appears he’s also brought along a sense of basic human decency as well.


I am sure Fox News is working that angle already. They know that racists are a huge portion of their base audience.


Oklahoma was a solid Democratic state when I was growing up but it’s always been full of racists. Dan Boren resigned rather than lose to a Republican or switching his affiliation after Obama was elected.

I used to pretend I was Joe Washington when I played football as a kid.


He was the Gov of OK back when folks thought that having a college educated gov was a good thing


that’s the most fastest, most decisive decision made by a university ever.


I STILL blame Rush (The Lump), FOX, et al. Without their poison propaganda, these frat boys would be singing about something else.

…except for ‘dammit’ BobbyPetrino at U of Arkansas…4 years ago.

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Koch money, ALEC management over gerrymandering, and a black president… a formula for contemporary disaster in Oklahoma and the rest of Northern Kochistan.

…more brutal honesty, but it is true.