Discussion for article #242030
Wow, did he just have an aneurism?
Germany has been Israel’s staunches ally in Europe due to the monumental guilt of our Nazi past. Nowhere else outside the US could Netanyahu call on stronger support, but I hope that this story will open the eyes of my fellow countrymen as to what kind of political creature we are dealing with. If you want to ensure a future for Israel then it is foolhardy to support his politics of hate.
Hey Bibi, was the Civil War fought over state’s right as well?
These people. Smh.
Bibi: "Well, what has Hitler done to us lately?"
“To what depths will this man stoop?” Galon said. “He who can’t act to change the future, all he has left is to rewrite the past.”
George Orwell: “Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.”
He would make sense … if he were Dick Cheney’s cell mate.
I guess Seinfeld will have to rename the Soup Nazi the Soup Grand Mufti.
With statements like that, you’d think he was running for President.
I normally don’t like the use of the term “full retard” because it’s denigrating of people who had no choice in the matter, but in this instance I think I’ll make an exception.
Who knew that Bibi could do a Full Godwin?
And from the Pike® Position as well.
You know, I’d stopped using it years ago, but goddamn, there’s so many people lately - Bibi, Ben Carson, Trump supporters, the developers of MS Office 2013 - for whom it’s really the most appropriate word that it’s now really hard to avoid.
Netanyahu is not who his backers think he is.
First, he’s a Neocon. That should tell you something else. He’s addicted to power. He is so addicted that he likes to campaign as if him not winning an election means the end of Israel, or civilization, or the destruction of the earth, or some such thing, because for him and his addiction it is.
In his early quest for power, his rhetoric helped impel the assassin who killed Rabin, so much so that Rabin’s widow refused to shake his had at Rabin’s funeral. None of that gave Netanyahu pause in his quest for power, in fact, it served it.
In addition to his quest for power, he has demonstrated, in the past, a fetish for humiliating his enemies. Power is not enough. This is a form of sadism.
All of that should tell you that Netanyahu is a garden variety, high functioning psychopath. The final evidence is his charisma. Psychopaths don’t feel anxiety, it helps make them appear confident which comes off as charisma. They don’t have any doubts. They have no empathy. They feel nothing. They only fear domination, and so are impelled to seek the domination of others.
Psychopaths are attracted to Neoconism because it teaches that the elite must control the masses and do so through the implement of religion. Religion is valued, not for its beliefs, but as a utilitarian tool to control the masses. It’s possible for non psychopaths to be attracted to this ideology, but its clear that this system is attractive to people with a lot of internal problems.
The fact that Netanyahu would make this mistake proves he really doesn’t intrinsically understand what was wrong about the Nazis and why. He has to stop and think about it, and put it in terms of normal people who actually feel real things, and what their values are, and then walk through the logic of what that means in any given situation. When he doesn’t have the time to do that, he’s forced to rely on his own value system, his own moral compass which he doesn’t really have, which is why he is capable of making horrendous mistakes like this.
In terms of public policy and public service, he’s a very bad man, because he’s only interested in serving himself. Like America and the World trying to survive the Bush, which the entire world is heavily invested in doing right this very moment. Israel will be lucky if it survives him. Meanwhile Bush (nor Cheney, et. al) doesn’t lose sleep, but likes to paint pictures of his toes popping up out of the water at the other end of the bath tub. These guys are all incredibly banal characters. They pursue their own goals and don’t care one iota if it destroys the entire world. They don’t feel guilt or regret or nothing.
The final craw: they see their lack of feeling and your burden of feeling as evidence that they are superior and you are inferior chumps who can be manipulated by tales of morality platitudes. This is a perfect match to Neocon ideology.
I agree but why oh why do Israelis keep him in power?
Bibi isn’t only trying to put Hitler’s blood on the Mufti’s hands. He’s also shifting blood libel onto the arms of the Palestinians.
“Blood libel,” for both of you who don’t know, is the idea that because some Jews turned Christ over to the Romans to die, and others called for Barabbas to be spared instead of Jesus, that all Jews are eternally cursed until they convert. In the meantime, they’re Fair Game, to borrow from the $cienos.
Now, here you have the idea that because the Mufti, a guy who didn’t have a whole lot of support back home, allegedly suggested mass extermination to Hitler, that all Palestinians are eternally cursed. Netanyahu explicitly said his remarks were linked to the settlements, so you have the curse pretty plain.
We’re not just dealing with a politician who puts the blame on an out group deflect problems and win support, a la Trump. We’re dealing with a very sick puppy.
There is a certain percentage of any population that leans toward fascism. So he’s got that sewn up. All he needs to do is get some easily persuaded people to lean his way. Fear makes people vote right wing. When people are scared they look for an authority figure to protect them. So he makes the Palestinians The Other, and paints them as a huge threat. It’s the same playbook for right wingers the world over.
So Israel has a parlimentary system right? You would think that the PM of Israel making statements that would be right at home with holocaust deniers would be grounds for a no confidence vote.
All Germans know the history of the murderous race mania of the Nazis that led to the break with civilization that was the Holocaust. This is taught in German schools for good reason, it must never be forgotten. And I see no reason to change our view of history in any way. We know that responsibility for this crime against humanity is German and very much our own.
If only Southern U.S. whites had ever taken similarly enlightened steps toward responsibility and reconciliation, we would be less troubled as a nation than we are now.
If we know anything about Hitler it’s that (1) he was very soft on the Jews; and (2) he valued the opinions of non-Aryans above all others.
I also have it on good authority that it was the Mufti who took all the guns away from the Jews so that (according to Ben Carson) the Holocaust could proceed according to plan.
… as a Repuglican.